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Monday, July 24, 2006

Too Darn Many Spies!

I had long suspected that the CIA was reading my random postings on topics ranging from complex geo-politics to what kind of beer I like best (which by the way remains a good IPA).

Anyway - now I have proof! There is a blog that I read fairly frequently that was written by a former spook who was fired for daring to state that (get ready for this major leaking of super top secret stuff) torture may be wrong.

I read Blog X and the person who writes Blog X reads my stuff. You can find out what Blog X is by simply clicking on my links, it is there. You will know it when you see it. But there is the proven known CIA link to this.....well this crap. Honestly, what I write is mostly crap. It will not change anything, and there is NO EVIDENCE I know what I am talking about. Of course, according to some squinty, beady eyed people in positions of power the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. So maybe I do know what I am talking about after all!

But the end result is I thought for a bit about torture. You know, the thing that "makes America strong and able to fight the war on terror". After all - the terrorist use torture! So we must use torture methods to be on a level playing field.

If this makes logical sense to you, then you have failed Lazy Iguana Logic Class. Here is why.

Remember those old westerns? You know, the ones where the guy in the black hat is up to all sorts of no good things and the guy in the white hat has to save the woman tied to the railroad tracks?

Lets just assume America is the guy in the white hat, and the terrorists are the guys in the black hat. That makes America the "good guy" and the terrorist the "bad guy". With me so far? GOOD! I will now slay the "we must torture" argument once and for all.

The GOOD GUY is at a disadvantage. He must follow all the rules and play fair. The bad guy is the BAD GUY! He is the bad guy because he lies, cheats, steals, kills, and tortures. He CAN ignore the laws and rules because if he followed them he would not be the bad guy!

If America wants to take on the role of the good guy, then we must wear the white hat. We MUST play by all the rules - even if the bad guys don't. This is what makes US the good guys!

If the nation resorts to the same methods as the bad guys, then we are no better from a moral standpoint.

I would love to hear a talking head on Fox News spin this one. They would probably just say I am a moron who does not know squat about crap, or I am just a liberal who wants America to loose the war.

And all because I think that the good guys ought to play by the rules.


Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

Well I DO just make shit up. Sometimes. And I DO blog after consuming beer.

But I would counter that they just make shit up too - but they do not drink!

So I have an excuse. What is their excuse?

Blogger Econo-Girl said...


You raise a really good point. People often say that we are disadvantaging ourselves by maintaining ethical standards of conduct. I am beginning to disagree.

In the Darwinian sense, the systems that do not employ torture win. So it is not fighting at a disadvantage. Quite the opposite. I have to do more research on this, but if acting humanely was a competitive disadvantage, all of the societies that did so would be phased out of existance. That has not happened. So it must not be a disadvantage after all.


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