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Sunday, July 16, 2006

Stuff To Do Before I Can Leave

The clock is ticking.

This is the WORST part of the whole vacation thing. The days before you leave. There is so much crap to do, and not a whole lot of time to be lazy and put off doing stuff.

For example, a while ago I bought a Standard Horizon MST70 that I never bothered to install in the boat. Well today I put the thing in. I got the thing brand new for $25. The new radio sounds much better then the old one.

But that is not all! The bilge pump decided to not work so well. So I had to fiddle with the automatic float switch. I got the thing to decide to work again. The raw water pump, navigation lights, and critical electronics still work.

I still need to get some pins for the bimini top. The old ones keep falling out. Then the trailer tires need some air. So I have to remember to get that taken care of.

Anyway, why is it that going on vacation requires so much work? It is like I need a pre-vacation AND a post-vacation to recover from all the crap I have to do before the ACTUAL vacation. There is the packing, the cleaning out of the vehicle, the getting everything ready, and so forth.

OH CRAP! I also need to remember to get some cable to secure the kayak. See what I am talking about?! Another thing to do. Oh yea and I need to re-supply my stash. I am pretty much out of booze. I can do this right before I leave Miami. It is a tradition that I hit up Travoli's Booze Emporium on my way out of this pace.

And then AT Sanibel I have to haul everything up four flights of steps! There is no elevator, or even a rope and pulley!

This is another reason I kind of want to get this cruise thing over with already. All I have to do for that is pack! That is it! No getting anything ready. No stairs. I just drive to the Port Of Miami, park, get out, walk to the terminal, get on the boat, dump my crap off in the stateroom, then commence the festivities.

But for now I have one more day off - and crap still left to do. There is no time left to be lazy!


Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

Fiddle is better than the other F word.

Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

Aren't vacations fun??? Lucky duck!!!

Blogger Sar said...

Congratulations on winning the caption contest your royal laziness!

And I hope you have a safe and enjoyable vacation. :)

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

I like that. Your Royal Laziness! Has a nice ring to it.


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