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Thursday, July 13, 2006

Man VS Nature

It is a classic theme in literature. Man VS Nature. For centuries, nature was the enemy, something that needs to be beaten. Nature would cause your crops to fail, and therefore cause you to starve. Nature would cause your drinking water to dry up. Nature would flood your village. Nature would cause disease.

Nature was better off cut down, burned out, tunneled through, displaced, or removed. This is one reason why back in the "good old days" nobody cared about pollution. Bears could hide behind trees, therefore to protect yourself from bears the thing to do was cut down the forest and make houses and furniture.

But today, nature is no longer the enemy. It seems MAN is the enemy, pushing nature into a corner and giving it no other option than fighting back. Global warming. Climate change. More and stronger hurricanes. Depleted food stocks. And so on.

So today when I was going to work, I looked at the lawn and thought to myself "shit the lawn needs to be mowed - again". Then it occurred to me. Does it REALLY need to be mowed? I mean, why bother. It is just going to grow back again. I will NEVER defeat the lawn, no matter how hard I try. It will win - sooner or later. I am powerless against the raw, primal force that is the lawn.

And WHY do we mow lawns? Because society says so? So our lawns will conform to some accepted social standard? So your lawn will look like all the other lawns on the block?

This is not for me. I desire the lawn of a free thinker. I desire the lawn of a revolutionary. I desire a lawn that says to the world "I am me and I do not give a crap what you think!". I want a lawn that breaks all social norms and starts a NEW trend! I want a lawn that reflects the fact that in the end, man is powerless against nature. I want a lawn that acknowledges the reality that man must learn to live WITH nature, and not try to fight it so much.

And I can do all these things by not mowing.


Blogger Lila said...

Interesting. I agree with you -- and it's horrible how people also waste so much water in the pursuit of green grass in climates that shouldn't even try grass. I still mow... but we've given up on grass. We have a combination of leftover grass, moss, clover, and whatever weeds pop up. We don't fuss and try to make it all grass. We just mow.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

Ap3 - I do not ever water the grass. There is enough rain. I also never put any chemicals on the lawn. I do not need to.

Sweetpea - being lazy might be part of my thinking here. But regardless of my level of laziness, the fact remains that mowing is a futile waste of time AND gasoline.

Sarkasmo - Astroturf lawns are NOT for free thinkers. They are for people who want a lawn that conforms to all social standards ALL the time without any mowing at all. The truly lazy. I would scoff at anyone who installed a fake lawn!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey go hialeah style! concrete the house in and then paint it all green!

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

Then build a little house for Saint Lazarus and call your house a "Cuban Castle"?

Not my style.

Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

do a xeriscaped lawn!

Blogger TLP said...

Sounds pretty lazy to me! But, what the heck? Go for it. I think Acton Bell's idea of planting stuff like maybe wildflowers is a good idea. Or ivy. Never mow again.

On the post below: The cats own you, so this will never change. The only way it can be avoided is to never let the cats in your bedroom in the first place. Too late now.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

I need more shock mats.

Blogger dddragon said...

hee hee ... boy, do I understand your cat ritual problem! We've got our own with our two cats, esp. w/ Chatham, the 19 yr old one.

Lawns are a pain.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

The lawn is my arch nemesis.


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