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Sunday, September 10, 2006

Patriot Day

It seems that September 11 now has a name. My desk calendar says Monday is "Patriot Day". So it got me wondering if "Pearl Harbor remembrance Day" ever had another name. As far as I can tell, it never did. It has always been "Pearl Harbor Day".

So why this name? I would like to think it was a result of careful thought and reflection. However, I am sad to say I think it is more of a political choice than anything else. Patriot Day. Patriot Act. Oppose us and you suck. And so on.

Another thought crossed my mind. Should "Patriot Day" be a legal holiday? I concluded that no, it should not be. Too many people would just use the extra holiday as another BBQ and beer party day. Like Memorial Day is now. I think that this would be wrong on many levels. It is better to keep it like it is now. Five years ago was after all just another work day in the middle of the week. Everyone was firmly stuck in the usual routine. Wake up, get stuck in traffic, get to work, clock in, gather around the coffee machine, and decide where to get lunch. You know, just another day at work.

But it was not just another day at work. And we are where we are today as a result.

There will be no post tomorrow. I will put something up Tuesday when I get home from work.


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