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Friday, September 08, 2006

Plans Made!

The trip went over very well! It would have been hard to make it any better really. So here is what I was able to get done!

1. Loaf around in someone else's apartment while the person who pays the rent has to go to work.

2. Wonder around Lakeland, possibly getgting horribly lost. I managed to not get horribly lost, I pretty much stuck to one major road.

3. Improve the quality of life for my friend. I got a remote control for a TV that was missing the remote. No more getting up to change channels, control volume, or turn the thing on or off.

4. Dispose of the Ice Wine. The stuff was really good. It was sweet, and had a "thick" feel in the mouth. I weep for I am out of the stuff. I need to go to Canada and get some more. It is a good enough excuse to go visit Canada. Hell, it is a fantastic excuse.

5. Make the travel plans! This is the most exciting thing of all. The plan is to go to PRAGUE! For a while, we considered Scotland. People there talk funny. But economic realities made me conclude that Scotland would be VERY EXPENSIVE. The US Dollar is pretty much worthless in the UK. Everything would instantly be 80% more expensive, on average. Prague does not use the Euro (yet) so I will get a decent conversion rate.

Anyway, the plans are on paper. But I lost that paper. When/if I find it, Ill put it here. The plans are perfect. Each day there is no more than one or two things on the list, along with ample time set aside for "nothing". Nothing can mean hanging out in a sidewalk cafe watching people and drinking. It can also mean "wow this place is pretty cool! Lets stay here a little longer!". It can mean "Look at that place that is not on the list! Lets go check it out!". Or whatever. Nothing is good. Most people think that nothing is boring - but those people are fools. Nothing is the whole point of a vacation. Planning 500 things to do in 3 days is what makes a vacation suck. You end up rushing from one place to another, never spending enough time in anyplace to really enjoy it and never getting to all the things on the list.

The trip is going to kick mega ass.


Blogger Jane said...

Have you built in drinking time in London on your layover?

Scotland is great I lived there for 8 year but they do indeed talk funny but then so do people in Florida ;)

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

There is one day that could become a "day in London" day. I am going to lobby hard for that.

Blogger Darren. said...

Sounds like some great plans, hope they come off well. ;)


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