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Sunday, October 08, 2006

It Is Time.

So, as you may have heard one Mark Foley (R) of Florida got busted doing the internet sex chat thing with minors.

And you know what that means! That's right! It is time for a MARK FOLEY JOKE! So here is it. Someone emailed it to me.

"When Mark Foley reads, he never uses a bookmark. He simply bends over the pages".

Pretty good huh? Not really? Well I do not see you doing any better! If you happen to have a better Foley joke email it, or better yet leave it in the comments. Prizes will be awarded to the best Foley joke left as a comment. I have a rubber rat, some empty beer bottles, and a can of Canada Dry fizzy water. Oh yea and an empty pizza box.

In other news, it is good to know that we do not live in dictatorship. Or do we? In the new Bob Woodward book (which even the asshole Bill O'Riley says people should read) Bush is quoted to have told top Republican "leadership" this about Iraq.

"I will not withdraw, even if Laura and Barney are the only ones supporting me"

Well done Mr. Bush! Spoken like a true dictator! You will do whatever you want, even if you are the only one who wants to do it! Just the kind of person we want to be in control of a vast military power.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The good news? Florida Congressman Mark Foley has entered rehab. The bad news? Rehab is a 14-year-old boy from Pakistan.” --Jay Leno

Blogger Econo-Girl said...

Hey! We're going on a cruise next week!

The Foley thing is going to sink the Republicans. It doesn't matter that another guy is in place of Foley. Who wants to put their mark next to the name of a pedophile? Even if someone else is really running?

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

Great! Which boat are you going to be on? Where are your ports of call? And where are you leaving from? Port of Miami? Tampa? Port Canavral? Jacksonville? Texas?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

*drum tap* I think that joke was pretty good.

Yep, Bush doesn't quite get that democrasy thang, even though he's supposedly trying to export it.

And I agree with econo-girl that the Foley thing is definitely having an impact on the enemy (though he's not a pedophile--just a garden-variety creep preying on underlings).

btw, beta was not a pain, but just make sure you save the links on your sidebar--anything you've added to your template will be wiped out. ALL posts will come with you, pics and all. Actually, the directions are quite good and will tell you everything, anyway.


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