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Thursday, September 28, 2006

Open Weekends

I never work on my weekends. It is some sort of rule I decided to invent. Early union organizers fought HARD for weekends, and I am not about to screw that up. So I do not work on my weekends.

But what happens when I have to work on my weekends? Like say I decide that I need the extra overtime pay or something. How do I get around my hard and fast rule?

EASY! I invented two new days. I call them "Post-Friday" and "Pre-Monday". Here is how they work.

Say I am asked to report to work on my "Saturday". Well working on Saturday is Just plain DEPRESSING! So I rename the day "Post-Friday". THERE! Now it is not so depressing is it? I mean, it is NOT Saturday! It is Post-Friday! So the week runs from Monday to Friday, then is Post-Friday then Sunday.

And if I have to report to work on "Sunday" I simply call it Pre-Monday. Once again, not so depressing. It is not like it is Sunday or anything, it is Pre-Monday!

And this is how I can say I never work on Saturday or Sunday. It is just that sometimes I have to invent new days for a week. Well not really invent NEW days, just rename a few.

This week contains both a Post-Friday and a Pre-Monday. Tomorrow is real Monday.


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