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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Florida Gooberner Race

It seems the race for the next GOOBERner of Florida is underway! Here are the choices FL has.

1. Charlie Christ, former Attorney General under Jeb Bush.
2. Jim Davis, some other guy.

Anyhow, it seems that the Charlie Christ guy has more money. Mas dinero. I can assume this because he has released the first batch of 30 second TV commercials that 99% of voters will base their vote on.

Christ, the republican, is claiming he "will fight for Florida voters". His commercials mention that Jim Davis wants to "raise property taxes" and calls the sales tax holiday "a joke".

What kind of bullshit is this? Here are the FACTS!!!!!!

1. Property taxes are set by LOCAL governments, not by the state. The GOOBERner, no matter who he/she/it is, has little control over it.

2. The sales tax holiday IS a joke. First off, only a few things are covered. Second, there is a set limit on what you can spend without having to pay the sales tax. Third, the holiday only lasts a week or something.

So what happens is everyone waits for the holiday. Then stores are PACKED. Stocks run out. People have to run from store to store, only buying a portion of what they need from each store in order to remain under the limit.

But - Charlie Christ is going to fight for us! And that other guy is just a "liberal". This is what the actual commercial says! Like being "liberal" is so bad.

I HOPE that Jim Davis simply makes a commercial that says this:

Charlie Christ has been the Attorney General under Jeb Bush for _____ Years. But what has he done about the fact property insurance has increased 4 - 6 fold? Well Mr. Christ - what have you done? What has ANY republican done? Not a friggin thing. Charlie Christ, please do Florida voters a favor and buy property in Alabama and fight for the voters there. Get out of Florida. We do not need your "help".

I should so run for office. Really now. All this bullshit has to stop somehow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1- Doubling the homestead to 50k like Christ wants won't help since most people property value have gone up more than that over the last few years.

2-The sale tax holiday Davis is quoted as a joke was actually one for big ticket items like plasma TV's. He was right it was a joke.

3-As Attorney General what has Charlie done about price gouging gas stations and insurance companies both of which make record profits despite Katrina.


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