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Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Vote On The Future Look!

In order to properly tune the new template layout for this blog, it would be helpful to know how you, the reader, connect to the internet. So vote. Voting IS mandatory, so if you skip the process someone WILL go to your house and let the air out of your car tires. They may also set fire to a brown paper bag full of dog poop that they place on your doorstep, ring your doorbell, and run off. So when you stamp the fire out you will wish you had just voted. Or maybe someone will break into your home while you are away and spike your toothpaste with wasabi, or pour an ounce or two of pure capsaicin in your mouthwash. They may even rub some Vicks VapoRub into your toilet paper. Or put some Nair brand hair remover in your conditioner. Or something else that will be funny to everyone on the planet except you.

And it is not like clicking on a selection and then clicking on "vote" takes a lot of time and effort. Even if you do not comment you can still vote. Avoid having any of the above happen to you.


Blogger Dave said...

I use a key fob service to call into my NC Roadrunner. So I guess I use both telephone and cable. I really have no idea how it all works because someone set it up for me.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

You only get a sticker if you were observed voting Republican. New federal rules.


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