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King Gambrinus - Patron Saint of beer.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

More Beer Posting

"My name is Gambrinus
King of Flanders and Brabant
I made malt out of barley
And was the first to conceive beer
So the brewers
Can proudly proclaim
That it was a King
Who invented Beer!"

There you go. A little Gambrinus poem that I did not write. I stole it from a beer stein site. Which brings up an interesting question - do people really drink out of these things? Or are they more like something you just buy so you can put it somewhere and look at it? The thing holds 1.5 liters. That is a lot of beer. A little over three pints. So not really a whole lot of beer, it is possible to drink that amount. But I do not think you would be having two of them. 6 pints is a quart short of a gallon. So the best I can figure out is that some steins are for drinking, and some are for looking. The one featured to the right is probably not for drinking. Therefore it is USELESS. Why buy something like that unless you would want to drink from it? Really. So I would probably never get something like this.

But this gets me to thinking, which is often a dangerous thing for me to do. A stein may be a handy thing to have. The lids would be a good way to keep pesky insects out of my beer. Of course the funny thing about beer is that once you have had enough, you do not give a shit if some bugs did get into it. You just drink it anyway. The alcohol kills the germs. Right? I guess. At least that makes sense after a few pints.

But all is not lost. I did find these cool pewter mugs. Very nautical, don't you think? By the way in case you did not notice the mug handles look like a boat cleat. Cool. Now this is something I could use! They hold 22 ounces, which means they could hold at least 20 ounces of beer, leaving enough room for the foam. But there is no lid to keep the bugs out. However, they are pewter. Hopefully lead free pewter. So you could drop them and they would not break. They may get a dent, but there would be no breaking. This is good. Once you drink enough, you tend to drop things. If I had a larger boat with a cabin and a galley these would be perfect. Because really, glass bottles on a boat is not the best idea in the world. But I do what I have to do. The boat has no space for fancy drinking goblets, and beer from a can is banned from my boat - so that means I have to bring glass bottles.

And of course, beer is THE party drink of all time. Think about it. Have you ever heard of a "wine drinking song"? I can't say I have. I Googled "wine drinking songs" and all I got was shit like "spill the wine" and "red red wine" and other pop crap. Snore. Not really about drinking wine, just using wine as some kind of lame ass metaphor.

And have you ever heard of "the wine barrel polka"? I have not. There is no such polka. But there is the Beer Barrel Polka.

And then there is the Irish. There are tons of Irish drinking songs - all about either beer or whiskey. Mostly about beer.

Also, if you had to pick a place where people were most likely to all break out on song, what venue would you choose - a wine tasting event or a tent at some Octoberfest where everyone is downing German Beer?

Oh yea, even though mead is actually a type of wine, I hereby make it an honorary form of beer. Meade and ale are very old drinking buddies. So by Lazy Iguana decree - mead is hereby claimed as a member of the beer team.

As an American beer drinker, I sometimes feel left out. Nobody ever breaks out in song here. There are not really any traditional American drinking songs. The Puritans were all anti beer and shit.

Or are there any traditional American beer drinking songs?? How about this song. I know all my American readers will know it.

" My country tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing.
Land where my fathers died!
Land of the Pilgrim's pride!
From every mountain side,
Let freedom ring!"

Ah yes, it is "My Country Tis Of Thee (America)". Did you know this was once a popular drinking song? Well it was. See, someone took the British National Anthem (God Save The Queen) and changed the words - but kept the music. The song is a parody of the British National Anthem. Liberty Tree was also a drinking song, as were most Revolutionary War era songs. Even if the Puritans were anti beer, beer was safer to drink than water - because part of making beer requires malt and hops to be added to boiling water. Then the stuff cooks for at least an hour to convert the starches to fermentable sugars. And because people back then had no idea about bacteria, if the water looked clean you would drink it. Back then, if you could not see cholera it did not exist - but it still caused you to shit yourself to death. And the open sewers (troughs on the side of the streets) ran into.....the river! Where drinking water came from! It is amazing us humans lived long enough as a species to invent the microscope to learn about bacteria and protozoa and amoebas and to invent modern sanitary sewers and air conditioning and internet porn. I think about this all the time by the way. Not so much the internet porn but the stuff about the air conditioning and microscope. We have really made ourselves weak through technology. Why you would think that life is impossible without water treatment plants, the hot water heater, all kinds of drugs, and the drive through.

So water could make you sick, or even kill you. Beer was safe. Thank God for beer!

So since "My Country Tis Of Thee" is a parody, nobody in America should be offended by this video. Canadians might be offended, but their dollar is worth more than the US dollar. So who is laughing now? Really - I just checked. One US dollar gets you 93 CENTS in Canada. THANKS BUSH! You are a fucking genius.

All I have to say aobut this classic Ren and Stimpy clip is who says smoking pot kills brain cells? It is clear that when this cartoon was made, the creators were high on something. And could YOU come up with something like that while sober?

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Blogger Unknown said...

My father has some great beer steins. Nobody has ever drank from them. They're purely decorative. I always thought that lid would probably come down and whack me in the nose.

Blogger Jandi for The Fuzz said...

The lid is to keep out bugs. It was thought at the time bugs spread the plague. I guess bugs do, just not the kinds that like beer.
I have a few steins here and do use them on occasion, like Christmas, or just when I get a wild hair. In these cases all the lid does is keep out the dust in the meantime.
Actually, my information is that the pilgrims and all did drink beer, and brewing was a high priority.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Lazy,

That Cartoon anthem carries a deep message.

Can you drink an entire glass of beer in one gulp. I could never do that. I've gone out with several women who could do it no problem. I wonder why some people can do it and others can't.

Blogger M@ said...

Form is nothing without function. At least that's what you need to tell your girlfriend when you go antiquing.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

Lily - if you drink enough you do not notice the lid closing on your nose. I think this is the secret to drinking from a stein.

Fuzz - I did not know this! I thought maybe the lid was like some kind of sneeze guard or something. The Pilgrims did probably drink a lot of beer. Like I said, back before there was such a thing as microbiology, wine and beer were safer to drink than water. So people drank more wine and beer. in the new world, wine would have been expensive. Beer was clearly the best choice back then.

Krok - I know the theory to the chug, but I can only do it with water and I can not go too fast. I was never in a frat.

M@ - if I had a girlfriend who wanted to go antiquing, I would just find the ugliest, most horrible thing I could find and make like I wanted to buy it. Or better yet, drop her off at the retirement home and let her antique all day while I drive off to the nearest bar for some beer.

Blogger Unknown said...

I thought steins were to keep your beer colder longer?

I don't drink beer, so I don't really care :P

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

Kristen - they would probably think "they serve beer in schools? AWESOME!"

Dusty - I am usually feeling more British than German. Therefore, I go for beers like the pale ale, the India pale ale, porters, brown ales, stouts, bitters, scotch ales, and even the occasional red ale. Germans are into that wheat shit. Now do not get me wrong, Wizen beers are still good - but I usually go for the pale ale.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Налоговики - миллионеры... БУСАРЕВ ВЯЧЕСЛАВ ВАЛЕНТИНОВИЧ Украина, АР Крым, г.Симферополь.

Не для кого не секрет, что экономика Украины в настоящее время находится в кризисе. Не смотря на это, есть специалисты, которые под ширмой государственных служащих работают против государства, которое доверило им занимать высокие должности, оплачивает достойную заработную плату, но …?!
Одним из таких деятелей, является БУСАРЕВ ВЯЧЕСЛАВ ВАЛЕНТИНОВИЧ - председатель налоговой службы АР Крым. Личность, которую можно поставить в пример многим политикам, ведь Вячеслав Бусарев получил старт в карьере государственного служащего когда у власти была Партия Регионов, однако, остался при должности и до настоящего времени, когда Партия Регионов находится в оппозиции, а все почему?! Все очень просто, В.Бусарев работает на свой карман, а не для бюджета Украины, «кормит» вышестоящее руководство ГНА Украины и остается «своим» при любой власти в стране. Перейду к конкретике, подтверждающей все выше изложенное.
Существует такое понятие «налоговая яма», это предприятие, которое создает затратную часть предприятий-контрагентов посредством предоставления им налогового кредита. Проще говоря, помогает предприятиям контрагентам завышать свои затраты, тем самым минимизируя уплату налогов в бюджет, а иногда при миллионных оборотах предприятий сводит уплату налогов в бюджет к нулю. Как Вы понимаете, деятельность таких предприятий должна быть незамедлительно пресечена налоговой службой, но, под непосредственным контролем В.Бусарева на территории АР Крым были созданы и помогали скрывать налоги предприятиям Крыма и некоторых регионов Украины следующие «налоговые ямы»:

ЧП «Зовик» (код 24504001);
ООО «Энерго-ВАН» (код 32153280);
ООО БК «Абрис-груп» (код 33608264);
ООО НТК «Энерго-тайм» (код 33898770);
ООО «Фотон 102» (код 34861343);
ЧП «Керчмет» (код 34908260);
ООО «Партенитинвест» (код 34938871);
ЧП «СЛС-груп» (код 35736934);
ООО Салтовский хлебзавод» (код 36165787);
ЧП «БУД-ТИС» (код 36165420);
ООО «Тенси» (код 36165070);
ЧП «Крым-строй-ТИС» (код 36165106);
ЧП «БУД-Т.И.С.» (код 36165394);
ЧП «ТИС» (код 36165064);
ООО «Т.И.С.-строй» (код 36165038);
ЧП «Тисстрой» (код 36165148);
ЧП «Крымтисстрой» (код 36165174);
ООО «Южсаппорт» (код 36275069);
ООО «Латем плюс» (код 36275121);
ЧП «Крым строй поставка» (код 36478440)
ООО «Консалавто» (код 36478990);
ЧП «Сервис-Крым-Сбыт» (код 36583473);
ЧП «Крым-Сервис-Сбыт» (код 36583447);
ЧП «Сбыт-Крым-Сервис» (код 36583384).

Почему то, при якобы тотальном контроле со стороны налоговой, указанные выше субъекты без проведения проверок перестают работать, а на их месте создаются в один день от трех до пяти подобных предприятий, при чем регистрируются в один день, на одних и тех же лиц, также в один день выдается свидетельство плательщика НДС, при отсутствии расчетных счетов в банках.
Все вышеуказанные предприятия «помогли» своим контрагентам скрыть от налогообложения сотни миллионов гривен, а это бюджетные деньги страны. Соответственно, за «спасибо», т.е. бесплатно, указанные предприятия не существовали бы. Поэтому предприимчивый В.Бусарев обложил данную деятельность «налогом в свой карман», а именно, ставка этого «налога» составила 0,8% от валового оборота деятельности каждого из указанных предприятий, а это в итоге миллионы гривен. Но, как Вы понимаете, без поддержки сверху, такая «деятельность» не существовала бы. Поэтому В.Бусарев должен отдавать некоторую часть денег заместителю ГНА Украины В.Кайзерману, который взамен, за это поддерживает В.Бусарева и ежемесячно либо снижает планы поступления налоговой Крыма в бюджет, либо при угрозе его невыполнения корректирует в сторону уменьшения.
На указанном примере работы В.Бусарева, становится понятно, каким образом налоговики становятся миллионерами.

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Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.

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Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be

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When you know what you want, and want it bad enough, you will find a way to get it.

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I think anything not worth doing is worth not doing well. Think about it.

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You got to choose between tightening your belt or losing your pants.

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Nothing's beautiful from every point of view.

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The ability to convert ideas to things is the secret of outward success.

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To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.

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Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly

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No one means all he says, and yet very few say all they mean

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.

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I hold your point of view

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Every man builds his world in his own image. He has the power to choose, but no power to escape the necessity of choice.

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I never had to choose a subject - my subject rather chose me.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.

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A man's errors are his portals of discovery.

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I think of life as a good book. The further you get into it, the more it begins to make sense.

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Understand that the right to choose your own path is a sacred privilege. Use it. Dwell in possibility.

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Choose the life that is most useful, and habit will make it the most agreeable.

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Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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There is only one reason for an individual to side-step to the useless side : the fear of a defeat on the useful side.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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People are not disturbed by things, but by the view they take of them.

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Those who get lost on the way to school will never find their way through life

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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An explanation of cause is not a justification by reason.

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Imagination is more important than knowledge.

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You are always free to change your mind and choose a different future, or a different past.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Knowledge is the food of the soul.

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I never had to choose a subject - my subject rather chose me.

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Many men owe the grandeur of their lives to the tremendous difficulties

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We know that dictators are quick to choose aggression, while free nations strive to resolve differences in peace.

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What we call the secret of happiness is no more a secret than our willingness to choose life.

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I love argument, I love debate. I don't expect anyone just to sit there and agree with me, that's not their job.

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I never make the mistake of arguing with people for whose opinions I have no respect.

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In all matters of opinion, our adversaries are insane.

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A different world cannot be built by indifferent people

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Common sense is genius dressed in its working clothes.

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Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.

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Prejudice is a great time saver. You can form opinions without having to get the facts

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Those who get lost on the way to school will never find their way through life

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Freedom means you are unobstructed in living your life as you choose. Anything less is a form of slavery.

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Limits exist only in the mind


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