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Wednesday, April 29, 2009


This is a story. A story told best by some woman living in Ukraine who owns a performance motorcycle.

And who is daring enough to venture into "The Wolves Land". A land once home of hundreds of thousands of people - which was suddenly evacuated. To this day, and for many more days to come, the land is really just for the wolves - no humans will live there.

An area that still stands around the shattered remains of this building. The nuclear plant called "Chernobyl".

The amazing photo essay begins HERE. It will take a while to get through all the chapters, but it is worth it.

Dusty had this on her blog a couple of days ago. I have not been able to get the story out of my mind since then.


Blogger Unknown said...

I know what you mean Lazy..when I found that photo essay I spent over an hour pouring over it.

Russia blew it when they tried to keep the nuke accident secret for days. If the morons had asked for help from other countries thousands of folks might still be alive.

That she would stand so close to the reactor just blows my little mind.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

Yea. I would make a joke about her being "hot" but I will refrain.

Blogger Unknown said...

They featured Chernobyl in one of those "Life After People" shows on the science channel. Very interesting.


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