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King Gambrinus - Patron Saint of beer.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


My favorite place in the universe is out of double IPA. This kind of sucks. Actually, it DOES suck. I liked that double IPA. It had a shit load of hops, and enough malt to give it a 9% or so alcohol content. Now I have to drink more beer I guess. Oh well.

It rained today. Not that this is a big deal, I do live in South Florida. But everyone acted like they had never seen rain before. I am surrounded by fucktards. I can not get away from them. I would like to get the hell out of this shithole, but where would I go? I hate the cold, so the frozen north is out. Fucking idiot inbred toothless trailer park living redneck assholes piss me off, so the entire deep south is out. Pretty much I would have to leave the USA, which I can not afford to do. I am boned. If I could afford it, I would buy a fucking nice sailboat and leave. I would just sail away, and to hell with everyone and everything. They can all give me a rim job. They can mine for fudge with their tounge, so that I can give them a dutch oven.

At any rate. when my sailboat pulled into port I would be in Bermuda or the Brittish Virgin Islands. It would be nice there. I would live on my boat, and the main sail would have a huge sign stiched into it reading "GO AWAY ASSHOLE. LEAVE ME ALONE. I HAVE A GUN. APPROACH AT YOUR OWN RISK.". The name of the boat would be "I Hate Fucktards". Maybe I could install .50 caliber machine guns on the boat, that ought to keep people away. Better yet, have those guns connected to the ship radar so that I can lay waste to assholes in zero visibility.

But all this is pointless. I can not afford a large enough sailboat. I can afford more beer, so I suppose this will have to do for now. I am entitled to one vice god damn it, and I choose beer. I could give a shit less about wine or hard liqour, but I will drink that too - if I like it. Most hard liqour I do not like, unless it is in the form of a mixed drink. I do not like to do shots really. I had to give up weed to have a job. Fucking piss nazis. Do not get me started about them. It is perfectly fine for me to drink all the booze I want but if I smoke a plant I am a criminal. Have hippy pot heads ever started a war? NO! How about a fight? NO! Potheads loose their car keys and by the time they find them they have forgotten where they wanted to go. Pot is soooo much better than alcohol. People stoned are less violent and less likely to kill someone in a car than a drunk. But all this is pointless, what is legal is legal and what is not is not. Potheads forget to organize, so it is unlikely that things will ever change. On election day pot heads get up, smoke, forget that they should vote, then look for Doritos.

Anyway, I forgot what I originally wanted to say. I think it had something to do with not being able to get more Double IPA. But the title is fucktards. I confused myself. Fucking fucktard fuckers. Is "fucking fucktards fuckers" a complete sentence? Lets see here. Fucking can be a verb, but combined with the word fucktards (a noun) is is more like another noun. And in this case, "fuckers" is a verb, so I guess it is a complete sentence. My english teachers would be so proud of me. I be edumacated.

Fuck you.


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