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Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Lord, save us from Court TV!

I wrote before about crappy TV, and apparently the industry did not listen to what I had to say. Therefore, I must write some more.

Court TV has to be the WORST STATION EVER! I had a TV accident today any tuned into them for about 2 minutes. That was all I could stand without blowing my brains out with a 12 gauge shotgun.

The MJ molestation case is very close to being over. Nobody knows what the jury will decide. NOBODY! So really, there is nothing to say about the case right now. But Court TV has to fill hours and hours of air time with something – so they MAKE SHIT UP! That’s right; they just sit around and make stuff up. For the few minutes I had that station on all they did was speculate about the meaning of the vests that the molester wore.

Does the clothes someone wears to court have any meaning? HELL NO! Even a retarded Dade County Parks Department employee working at a boat ramp knows that. But yet, that bitch that I can not stand was running her yap ad nausea about the topic.

Someone PLEASE do the world a favor and cram something in her mouth to shut her up! Then give her an angry dragon. Maybe some bukkake is in order for her. ANYTHING TO SHUT HER UP!!!!! PLEASE!!!

For the record, the Lazy Iguana thinks that the jury will find MJ not guilty, even though he probably did fondle little boys. Too many idiots in America are obsessed with celebrities, and loose what little intelligence they have when they see one. MJ is about as famous as you can get. Even if he stood up in court and said “I touched his winkie” the jury would come up with a not-guilty verdict. It is not about evidence or reasonable thinking in cases involving famous people, it is all about the defense filling the jury box with star struck, celebrity obsessed, autograph seeking idiots.

Just ask OJ.


Blogger BarbaraFromCalifornia said...

I agree about Court TV 110 percent!
There has become this idea of trial by speculation, where the talking heads mull over what something should have, would have or could mean, in the MIDDLE of a trial. A defendant, in a case, has a right to have witnesses excluded from the courtroom. Court feeds, in my opinion, about what is being said infringe upon that very right.

Conviction by the media is almost certain. How fair is that?

BTW: Thank you for clarifying my post on women in the military and pro-choice issues. Please see my response to you on my blog.

Blogger BarbaraFromCalifornia said...


Check out the ADL homepage. The British boycott was recinded.


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