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Monday, October 17, 2005

Loose Ends (again)

First off, I got tagged a few days ago - and never did anything about it. This should not be a huge shock to anyone - this blog is titled "Rantings Of The LAZY Iguana". Notice the word "LAZY". There is a reason it is there.

So anyway, after much research I have concluded that the 5th line of my 23rd post was:
"This is why Adam Smith is wrong". An economics post! For those who managed to stay clear of all things business in school, Adam Smith invented modern economics. When I say "modern" I mean hundreds of years ago. Mr. Smith wrote about what is now called "classical economics", when the small farmer was the base of everything. He was the genius who decided that government should have a "hands off" policy for business.

And back then, in the stone age, it was good idea. Sort of. Today, we know that a hands off policy leads to a system where 4 or 5 very rich and very white men rule the world. Workers (meaning us) got mere scraps from the table the rich people ate at. No sick time, no holiday leave, no pension, no anything. You worked for meager wages for as long as you could, then you died. Mr. Smith wrote his book way before the industrial revolution put the small farmer out of business, and created a system where one could work in a factory and buy food with wages. Before the revolution, you farmed what you ate and did not need a whole lot of money.

So before you vote for some bozo who says "government should get 100% out of the way of business" ask yourself this. Are you already rich? Do you have, right now, at least 100 million or so in the bank? If not, think about what the message is. Workplace safety, benefits, insurance, pension plans, weekends, pollution controls, and such is the result of government getting "in the way" of business. Labor unions could have been outlawed you know. Government has to keep a happy middle ground going, one which forces business to keep the middle class in SUVs and nice little houses with white picket fences, while at the same time allowing some fat cat CEO to have private jets and stuff. Too much government is bad, but so is none at all.

At any rate, I have something else to post here. Thanks to ODDTODD, I discovered a very cool web cam. The web cam is in Botswana, at a place called Pete's Pond. You can see animals and stuff doing things that animals do at ponds. There is swimming, drinking, beach volleyball, and so on. Check it out HERE!


Blogger TLP said...

In an unmatched display of stupidity, I actually clicked on the link to the web cam. It's night there now and so 'course you can't see anything. DUH. I'll try to remember to check back when it's daylight there.

I remember your original post about Adam Smith. It was a good one.

Blogger BarbaraFromCalifornia said...

Actually, that web-cam does sounds very interesting.

Like Tan Lucy, I too remember your post on Adam Smith.

I make something up for that tag question. I figure if our President can make stuff up, so can I! Great role model, no?

Blogger Lila said...

Good points, and good post!

Blogger Econo-Girl said...

Adam Smith - OUTDATED?!?!?

My those are bold words. And remember they still had the slave trade back then. So this is no moral high ground for Mr. No-Interference-with-the-Marketplace.

How do so many people think that God speaks through the Dow Jones Industrial Average? And that if business is making maximum profits that is the will of God?

You know what would be very profitable? Shooting every person that gets workplace disability. That's right, just shoot them and leave them for dead. See? No payments.


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