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Saturday, October 15, 2005

Today's Word Is Distraction....

Unless you have been living under a rock, OR living anywhere in the world except for the USA, you probably know that Karl Rove testified before a grand jury, again, for the 4th time. At this point he is an expert at giving Grand Jury testamony.

For those under the rock, or anywhere else in the world other than here (in the States) a little background information. Someone disclosed the name of a CIA agent to Bob Novak, we well known right wing suck-hole "reporter". Being a journalist of a high moral standard who would NEVER do anything to possibly compromise national security, he printed the name of Valerie Plame - CIA operative and wife of a retired US Ambassador Joseph Wilson. According to Novak, she is a "weapons of mass destruction operative".

Joseph had the nerve to write an opinion article in the New York Times stating that he was in on the whole "yellow cake uranium" investigation (which he says found nothing noteworthy), and that Bush overstated the Iraq threat. How dare that pinko bastard refute out exalted glorious leader! Treason!

So Novak, using (according to the artice he wrote) TWO sources in the White House, leaked that the Ambassador's wife works for the shop. That ought to teach the treasonous rat a lesson!

Anyway, one of the two leak sources could be Karl Rove, who in case you do not know is the "brains" behind Bush. Something like that anyway.

So there. Now everyone is up to speed! Moving on....

The right wing spin machine is really going overboard on this one. They are saying that the special prosecutor has a political bais (meaning anything he finds is just liberal bullshit), as if the whole Ken Starr investigation was holy and moral and not biased at all. Keeping in mind of course that what Clinton had sucked did not really screw with national security.

They are also saying that Americans have nothing to fear President Bush is not distracted by any of this at all. God personally faxed Bush and told him that everything would be OK. A swarm of locust are going to infest the ass crack of all the liberals who make too much noise (liberal meaning, of course, anyone who does not agree 100% with the pious exalted honorable fearless leader).

But I am here to tell you that Bush IS distracted. Very distracted. See, I have my own secret sources deep in the White House, and they have told me things. So do you want to know what has Bush so distracted? You do!?!??! Do I dare tell you???

Someone revcently gave Bush one of these as a gift. Since then, he spends hours in the Oval Office - alone. My spies tell me that the only sounds you hear from his office are the click-clack of metal balls, giggling, and clapping.

Lets see Bob Novak top this one!


Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

Neocons make my skin crawl...

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

Wow! A new record for speed commenting! This post was not 3 minutes old before it got the first comment.

I just hope the commentor read the whole thing, the joke at the end is pretty funny if I do say so myself :)

Blogger TLP said...

LOL. Yes, I do love the idea of Bush playing with the what-ever-you-call-that-thing.

Rove makes my skin crawl.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

It is called "Newton's Cradle".

Sir Issac Newton invented it. He was a nerd.

Blogger BarbaraFromCalifornia said...

Hmmm... I wonder if he is able to figure out how that thing works?

Now there lies the challenge.

Blogger dddragon said...

Why is it not hard to imagine him playing with that toy?

And how many days until we get a new president?

Finally, where is a nice rock? This is all soooo depressing.

Blogger Econo-Girl said...

Better watch that inside-the-White-House source of yours. You might be the next target of Bush's Bozos.


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