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Friday, April 14, 2006

Paging Doctor Cruise

On the CNN website, you can view a short segment on Scientology and drugs. Scientologists are against all psychiatric drugs.

Due to the fact that most advocates of the cult are Hollywood lunatics, they are the default spokesperson. Dr. Tom Cruise even went on TV to bad mouth Brooke Shields for taking meds to deal with post-partum depression. Apparently, Mr. "jump the couch" has a better method for brain disorders. Here is some of what the good doctor said.

"When you talk about postpartum, you can take people today, women, and what
you do is you use vitamins. There is a hormonal thing that is going on,
scientifically, you can prove that. But when you talk about emotional, chemical
imbalances in people, there is no science behind that.
"You can use vitamins to help a woman through those things."

Did you get that? There is no scientific proof that there is such a thing as a chemical imbalance, and that vitamins can cure mental illness. Too bad Tom is not on these "vitamins". And what does this ass clown know of science anyway? He is walking proof that yes, you CAN HAVE a chemical imbalance.

So why is the cult so against psychiatrist? I decided to find out! And guess what I found? Lets start with some stuff from the official Scientology website.Convinced that man is only a body, psychology and psychiatry have forwarded the idea that there is no soul, merely a physical brain, an aggregation of tissue and nerve cells.

And since man no longer has a soul, he can be degraded still further through all manner of barbaric "treatments." In fact, the array of primitive methods dreamed up by "“modern" psychiatrists includes hypnotic drugs, lobotomies, electric shock and bolts to the brain while a person is drugged and comatose, each of which leaves a person little more than a vegetable.

This is what the cult still teaches. They also go on to attack early founders of the science of mental health, associating them with the Nazis and the Soviet Communists. True, the early science was what we would consider to be rather primitive today, but it was light years ahead of the "crazy people have evil spirits trapped in their skull, so you need to drill holes to allow the spirits to get out" treatments. The fact that Hitler and Stalin used some of the methods discovered by people like Pavlov does not mean Pavlov would have approved of such actions.

The fact is the electroshock treatment of today is a far cry from electroshock of the 40s. And lobotomies are almost never done, except under super extreme circumstances. The science of mental health has made massive strides forward. Electroshock used to be based on inflicting pain on people, now the voltage is a lot less and the frequency of the electricity is tuned for patients. If your brain is not producing theta waves for example, science can now replicate these waves in your brain - without any (or at least minimal) discomfort to the patient.

The fact is that L. Ron himself asked for mental health treatments after WWII - BEFORE he "discovered" Dianetics. His request to the VA was turned down (after the war, President Eisenhower made MASSIVE CUTS to the VA program - a trend which would continue for many decades). This was one of the worst things the U.S. Navy has done. Had they given the nut treatment, the world might be a better place today.

Anyhow, after his request was turned down his Scientology life began. Here are just some of the claims the man has made.

1. At age 3 he was "breaking" horses.
2. At age 6, he was made a "blood brother" to the Blackfeet Indian Tribe.
3. He obtained a degree in nuclear physics.
4. He is a war hero, with multiple purple hearts and other medals and honors.
5. Obtains fame as a writer in the pre-war years, using multiple pen names so as to not "cover too many magazine covers with the same name".

And so on. His "offical" biography reads like a bad work of fiction. If there was something that could be done, he did it.

But there is a problem. He never was a nuclear psysicist. He claims to have worked on the atom bomb, but according to his official biography at the time the bomb was created he was at sea in command of a naval vessel. And in all the photos of the Manhattan Project team - he must have been the guy taking the picture, because he is not in a single photo. He was never on the team.

And he was never a blood brother to the Blackfeet Tribe. And a 3 year old does not "break" a horse. And how about using multiple pen names? A lot of writers use pen names, but they usually stick to the same name once they become popular. You only change pen names IF you write something so terrible that nobody ever wants to read anything you wrote again. Records you can find yourself using Google that are from the Navy do not mention any medals or special honors.

Clearly, the man suffered from mental illness. Delusions of greatness. Paranoia. Multiple Personalities. Terrible science fiction writing.

And yet, for reasons not clear to me, people STILL get sucked in the cult. Are these people that get sucked in sane? It is no wonder that the cult wants people with mental illness to not take their meds, it keeps them in the cult.

What needs to be done is the entertainment media needs to stop feeding the insanity of the celebrities who are sucked into the cult. when Doctor Cruise decides to talk about how people need to not take medications, they need to just turn the cameras off - or challenge him to provide proof of his claims. Better yet, why have "entertainment media"? The news is supposed to be NEWS - not some crap.

The CNN piece stopped short of saying any of this stuff I have posted. Why? They do not want to piss off the idiots in the cult. They do not want the "church" to sue them. They did have a real doctor in the segment, but clearly they did a lot of editing.

After all, we would not want Tom Cruise, or any of the other famous Scientologists, to refuse to go on Larry King Live now world we?

The tragic part of all this is that Dr. Cruise is getting ready to be a baby daddy. The child has no chance of being normal. It will be born into the cult, raised by the cult, and turned into a basket case by the cult. This should be criminal.


Blogger Tom & Icy said...

Vitamins are so rad.

Blogger TLP said...

Well, I don't believe in a "soul" either. But I do believe in "chemical imbalance." We are chemicals, so it seems obvious to me that the chemicals can be out of whack.

Tom's so far out of whack himself, that it's pitiful. Still, I enjoy making fun of him. See, that's what a person with no soul can do: make fun of a sad person like Tommy Cruise. Now you folks with souls and religion ought to think twice about judging him.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

The Bible says "Judge not, lest ye be judged."

I say "OK! Judge away! It is a free country."

Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

Oh yeah, you got it right, the whole thing. I'm pretty much an expert, since they invaded my town in the 70s. They're definately wacked out. But I think it's sad the way its been used to manipulate and control those followers with weak minds and Cruise is the poster child for them.

Blogger Lila said...

Scientology is a bid... unusual. However, I've known some Scientologists who were perfectly lovely.

In general, I don't like it when religions -- or governments -- dictate what we should or shouldn't do with our bodies. And why is it that men have so much to say about women's bodies and pregnancy, before, during, and after?

Blogger TLP said...

Good point AP3! Tom has no way of knowing what women do or don't feel after having a baby. I pity his wife and child.

But sicko that I am, I would love to know the truth about Tom. What's he about anyway? This is his 3rd marriage, right? But his first biological child. I think he wanted to "reproduce" just so that he could say that he's not gay. Yeah. Right. Gay men never have children.

I'm not saying he's gay, and you know that I don't believe that being gay is wrong, but I have to wonder about Cruise. I'm overthinking this. He's probably just your very ordinary nut. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Blogger dddragon said...

L. Ron was a science fiction writer. He made EVERYthing up. Including this religion. If there is an afterlife, I bet he's laughing his @$$ off at Tom Cruise and the rest.

Blogger Tom & Icy said...

Life is one big scam after another from religion to pharmaceutical companies.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

most religions summed up...
1) you must breed alot
2) you cant use contraceptives (so you breed alot)
3) do not challenge your religion as that is blasphemous
4) all other religions are wrong
5) those that follow other religions must be converted to your religion


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