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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The War On Cartoons

We might as well just BAN Tom And Jerry cartoons. At least this is what some people are trying to push.

And why not! There is the whole rascism theme in the cartoon. When I was growing up they used to show ALL the cartoons - but not anymore. You will NEVER EVER see the episode this frame is from.

Nor will you see the cartoon this frame is from. The character Mammy has been BANNED!

I could not even find pictures of Mammy on the internet! I did however find a classic audio clip featuring Mammy. Even using Google Images! But Mammy is not cut out of Gone With The Wind! Not yet at least.

Of course, we all know that since the questionable episodes of Tom And Jerry have been cut, racism has vanished. Even children that have parents in the Klan do not grow up to be racist - without the Tom And Jerry cartoons!

But now it is the SMOKING that is under attack! Oh yes, many episodes feature smoking.

Just look at that! Why, it makes me want to rush out and smoke a stogie right now! In fact, excuse me while I rush out to buy one right now! Oh wait, never mind. I am too lazy.

I grew up watching these cartoons, and I do not smoke. I guess I did not watch enough of Tom and Jerry! Why, had I watched more then I would be a smoker!

This may come as a shock to many parents but THE TELEVISION IS NOT SUPPOSED TO RAISE YOUR KIDS! You are supposed to do this. If YOU smoke, do not blame cartoons when your kid does the same. YOU set the examples. YOU set the standards. Not a cartoon cat and mouse.

But why stop here! Several episodes feature either Tom or Jerry drinking! There is even one episode where Tom is haunted by pink elephnats. Clearly, the drinking episodes are a bad influence on kids. So lets take those episodes off the air too. THAT will cure underage drinking!

But what about the VIOLENCE?

GUNS!?!? Pointed at a mouse and a duck?!?!? NO WONDER there are so many school shootings! Kids think that because a cartoon car uses guns, they can too!

And this is not all. Sometimes, Tom gets his head cut off!

Do we want this on TV???!?!? Where children can see it??

The time has come to BAN TOM AND JERRY. We can end violence, decapitations, racism, underage smoking, and underage drinking! We can also end whaling.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, too, grew up on cartoons. I've enjoyed ones that have Wily E. Coyote slam into a mountain side painted with a train tunnel by Roadrunner. I, too, do not go around tricking people and hurting them. What's more damaging to children are depictions of violence made by real people on TV and in the movies. Tom and Jerry and similar cartoons are deemed harmless; the other kinds (including those used in computer games) with depictions of sex and violence should be banned.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

Ah. Computer games. I grew up on those as well.

And as a result, I am part of the target market for video games today. An eight year old can not buy a $40 game - but I can.

The reason the violent games are made is because people buy them. If nobody buys a game title, money is lost and the concept for the game is gone.

Banning video games is about as logical as banning cartoon cats. It will not solve the problem at hand.

Parents who do not want their kids to play these games should not buy them. The games are rated, so it is not like you have to be a game expert.

Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

I am SO sick of banning. I'm sick of leftwing, rightwing nutjobs demanding we ban something else. On the other hand, I'm all for ratings so that parents can be aware of what's inside.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes I feel like taking smoking back up just to bug these people, but I don't like being sick all that much.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

The classic toons were for an adult audience as well as for kids. These "shorts" were often shown before movies, back in the days when not everyone had a TV - and even if you had one there was only a few hours of programming per day. On two or three channels at the very most.

So, the pink elephants were there.

But - NOBODY is allowed to have any fun anymore.


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