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Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Verdict

I tossed out the spinach. Better safe than bloody liquid poop running down your leg and collecting in your shoes while you are in a CBP area with a Minister Of Foreign Affairs. That would suck.

So that is over.

For my next post, I will just reach deep into the magical top hat and pull moment more moment please.......

AH HA! A celery stick! Wait. That is not very good at all. Stupid top hat!

Anyway, today is going to be an action packed day of fun, excitement, mystery, and possibly even some intrigue! Here is how it will go:

1. Arrive to work early, at 9 AM as opposed to 10 AM.
2. Excitement for an hour or so
3. Take a very short break for a sip or two of water
5. Get coffee.
6. MYSTERY TIME! I like mystery time. You never know what to expect. It could be anything. I think that the butler did it, but the possibility exists that it was Professor Plum.
7. Lunch.
8. Get my daily exercise pushing my luck, dodging responsibility, and running away from work.
9. Begin to prepare to go home.
10. Finish preparations to go home.
11. Go home.

This is what a typical work day is like. OR IS IT!?!?!?! Nobody knows. It is a secret. A lot of the stuff I process at work is marked "do not release this outside your agency / department". Not that it is super top secret stuff, but lets be honest here - what employer wants employees to blab EVERYTHING that goes on to the general public? None. All employers have some kind of "keep your trap shut" policy. Even Burger King has such a policy, lest someone learn the secret of Whopper assembly - and just how many rat droppings there are in the kitchen.


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