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Sunday, October 15, 2006

Got To Do Something

Yar, bad things be off the starboard bow!

By the way, I was typing like a pirate for that last line. So read it like a pirate, or else you will not get the full effect. And "starboard" is sea talk for "right". Just so you know.

So anyway, bad trends are starting. I spent most of Saturday trying to out lazy Cornelius The Cat. And let me tell you, it was hard work! But I think I was able to match Cornelius nap for nap.

Now this can not be good. Being able to out nap a house cat is not something a human should be able to do.

So I need to do stuff. Stuff to get me out and about. Maybe a ride to Shark Valley! I have not done that in a while. I also need to clean out the truck. It is quite full of crap that needs to either be put away where it belongs or thrown out because it is trash. I tend to accumulate things in whatever vehicle I drive. It builds up till one day I can not open any door other than the drivers door without crap falling out. At that point I remove the bulk of the crap. Then the crap builds up again. It is an endless cycle.

I could also go look for a source of income. But there is a problem with that. First off, there could be an opening back home. I would apply for it, and should I be selected then problem solved! So before I can accept anything full time, I have to find out what the status with the possible opening is. Then I have to apply - and should I qualify there is the interview board, the background check to get my ID back, and so on.

But there is a MAJOR problem with getting a part time "fill in" job. No employer is going to believe that I really want to be a park service aide. They would know that the odds of me staying with the job for any reasonable period of time is less than 0%.

And there is another problem. I made plans to get out of town on the first weekend of November. I can not take a job that would have me working on this weekend. Well I could - but I don't wanna. I got plans and stuff.

I do not think this situation will last much longer.


Blogger TLP said...

Hang on to unemployment until after the November gig. You can always get some kinda "fill in" job. No rush. In fact you might make less at a job like that than you will get from unemployment.

Blogger Jandi for The Fuzz said...

Can you sleep on your boat ?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck!

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

I have slept on my boat. But it was painful.


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