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Monday, October 09, 2006

Stupid Questions On CNN

Leave it to CNN to come up with stupid questions, and then try to convert them into "serious" journalism.

Today's stupid question was "In light of the Mark Foley thing, will Christian voters still vote Republican".

Well lets see. "Christian" voters have been voting Republican for years now. Probably 10 years or more. And what has the Republican party proved to be?

The GOP would tell you that they are the party of values and morals. And a whole lot of people have fallen for that garbage. But exactly what values are they for? Why, FAMILY VALUES of course! At least that is their story, and they are sticking to it.

But what kind of crap do they support, and how does it jive with family values?

1. Tax cuts for the wealthy, and massive corporate welfare. Republicans will happily admit to this. "Of course we cut taxes! Why, it helps the little people!" they will say.

But the fact is that few if any of the "tax cuts" really helped. Remember when Bush was first elected in 2000? Remember the much talked about "tax cut"? What was your share? $400? $800?

Well if you are a multi-millionaire, your cut was much more. Tens of thousands more. So while the little people got their $800, corporations got hundreds of thousands, or even millions. And chances are you spent most of that $800 on higher gas prices.

The sad part is that the Republican party has managed to convince millions of little people that if you give money back at the top, it all trickles down. Of course it does not. It stays where it is. The working class continues to work, while CEO salary goes up and up and up.

2. War. Yes, America was attacked. And yes, we had to respond to such a thing. But the war hawks just had to rush everything. Who needed support from the rest of the world? What the hell did the French know about anything? So they rushed into a war, and arm twisted the opposition party into the mess by using the events of September 11 as leverage.

But who cares about people being killed over there? It is war after all! People die in wars! However, abortion is murder!

Now there are other things too. For example, most conservatives love the death penalty. It is "liberals" who are anti-death penalty. Yet, it is the consertives support laws that ban abortions - while liberals support keeping abortion legal. This is not exactly 100% true, there are probably many exceptions to this - but in general it is true.

One would think that the party of the "culture of life" would not support any kind of death. But it seems that the culture of life only supports life if it is a fetus or a person in a vegetative state.

But when we inject Christian values into the mix, one would be anti-war, anti-abortion, anti-death penalty, and pro-things that help the poor. That means that a Christian voter would find it to be offensive that their tax money was used to buy bullets to kill people. They would gladly GIVE to provide basic needs to the poor. They would find it offensive to own a $70,000 sports car, when children have to go without medical care due to poverty. And so on.

In other words, the "Christian" voters are fooling themselves. They might think that they are not, but they are. NEITHER PARTY embraces true Christian values. Our economic system will NOT ALLOW Christian values! Our economic system encourages greed and selfishness. Our economic system idolizes wealth and riches.

Jesus on the other hand, lived a life of poverty. When the Devil tempted him with wealth and power he rejected it. A good capitalist would never do that. A good capitalist would take up the offer of riches and power without even thinking about it.

Christian voters would be more likely to support a Karl Marx type economic system. Or at least one where the idea of being rich were done away with, so that all could have their needs met. What good is millions of dollars to a Christian when people are starving in Africa or the streets of America?

So will Christian voters continue to vote Republican even with the Foley scandal and admission of being gay?

I say yes. Of course they will. All the un-Christian stuff going on now does not seem to bother them very much - so long as the two or three issues they care about are still being fought for. They would vote Foley back into office, if he would simply promise to fight to keep people like him from getting married, outlaw abortion, and kill more people in jail.


Blogger Sar said...

*applauding* Bravo Your Royal Laziness! That was a fantastic post.

Like the bumper stickers aptly declare, Jesus was the original Liberal. My parents are devout Christians as well as Liberals, so to me the politicians who lead the "Christians" in the hypocracy of denouncing liberals and their views are wolves in sheeps religious clothing.

Blogger The Devil Uno said...

I thought Church and state were seperate....

Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

YES! Dittos! Applause! Wolf whistles!

P.S. loved the cruise pics. Do you have any pics of the frescos, say on postcards or something? And I really thought the iguana was adorable. I miss mine. Give yours a big kiss on the nose for me. ;o)

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

Spaz escaped a while ago. I left the door open one morning after feeding the thing. I was running late and had to rush everything that morning.

Blogger Jandi for The Fuzz said...

Politicals pay lip service to "family values" for votes.


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