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King Gambrinus - Patron Saint of beer.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Something To Ponder.

I like to ponder pointless crap. It distracts me from various realities - like the content of the previous two posts. Heavy stuff!

So as a defense, my brain will focus in on pointless crap to think about! It works, sometimes. And without further rambling - here is today's point to ponder!

Say it is 2:26 AM. You are up writing blog posts and watching an Animaniacs DVD from NetFlix. You are also drinking a beer.

The question is - does the beer count as the SECOND beer of "today" or the FIRST beer of "tomorrow"? It is after midnight. The last beer I had was with lunch at 4 PM. And I did take a little nap after lunch. Doing nothing is hard work!

I am inclined to count this as the second beer of yesterday. This means that when I get to sleep I can wake up and count everything as a whole new day. That is IF I get to sleep before the sun rises. It has been a while since I saw the sun rise.

Anyhow - I went out on the backyard a few minutes ago because that is where the beer fridge is. The old fridge was replaced with a new one, so I decided that it was a waste to toss a perfectly good old crappy fridge, so it is in the backyard! Who cares if the thing leaks because the self defrost pan is rusted out / the heater element broke. It is in the backyard!

The air. There was something strange about it. I can feel a change a-brewing. Sweet. Beer pun. The air - it was NOT SO HORRIBLE! It was not all hot and muggy. It was ever so slightly cool. And the air did not feel wet! It was what I would call "dry". Not dry as in Las Vegas dry, but dry by South Florida standards.

Soon I will be able to go back to Everglades National Park. With my telescope. The winter stars are almost in the sky. I saw Orion just now. High in the sky. As time passes, it will rise sooner and sooner.

And it will get a little bit cooler. And less buggy. Everglades season is almost here! At last!

By the way, did anyone notice that I changed some colors? You know, added some yellow here, removed some red from there. And changed the post text color to white. I think it is easier to read now.


Blogger The Devil Uno said...

Being a shift worker I can give you the 100% guarenteed sleep seperates yesterday from tomorrow. So how many beers you drink between sleeping is what counts and that nap? guess what that was two days ago you had that first beer. Trust me Im not a doctor but I do push drugs.

Blogger TLP said...

That beer was a "it just doesn't count" beer. I say don't count it for either day. Anyway, why bother counting?

I've been off-line for a while, and I hafta admit, I didn't notice the color changes. I do like the white text.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

No more polka dots! I like the white font, too.

I neverever count beers.Not prudent,at any juncture. Life is all ONE excuse to drink beer. Having a beer 'frig in the backyard is a great perogative in Florida:)

So, did you write those lyrics for knockin'? heh, pretty scary.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

No, the lyrics are from The Rolling Stones. Off the Sticky Fingers album. Song title - Can You Hear Me Knocking


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