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King Gambrinus - Patron Saint of beer.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

All Systems Go

Baynanza is here. Today I get to transport slaves volunteers to various places in Biscayne Bay to pick up trash. It should be fun. I guess.

This event is sponsored by Miami-Dade County. And they have BANNED BEER for the event. What kind of communist bullshit is this? I guess they do not know that I carry at least 6 beers per person on board as standard provisions. There are very good reasons for this.

First, I like beer. It is good stuff. Just because I bring 6 does not mean I have to drink all of them you know. Maybe I only have one. Maybe two. It is not very often I drink the full supply of beer.

Also, what if I need to send a message in a bottle huh? I bet the County did not think of this. Well with no beer on board it is impossible to send a message in a bottle. So this is another reason to bring some beer.

There is also the chance that someone may be christening a new boat. Now I know you are supposed to use champagne or wine or something for this ceremony, but beer works in a pinch. It has alcohol and it is fizzy, so it is kinda sorta like champagne.

Anyway, this is just how it is. It is my boat and as the captain ADMIRAL I say that beer is allowed on the boat. So I will stash some in the fish box, and hide it under a pile of ice. And I will not consume any until after the event is over. I can handle that. Really. It will all be over by 1 PM anyway.

The marine forecast for today is
Moderate chop. This means I will tow the boat to the Pelican Harbor Marina and launch from there, as opposed to towing the boat to a closer marina and having a longer boat ride. The drive will be longer but I will not have to deal with as much crap on the water. I will try to remember the digital camera.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

when you're doing something like picking up trash, there has to be some joy in it and if beer is that joy, then I say go for it. Those wet blankets!!!!

Blogger Cie Cheesemeister said...

Why stop at admiral? Just smack Poseidon upside the head and take his trident when he's not looking!
The evil, time wasting properties of pac man have destroyed the ridiculous little splatter that remained of my brain after it was cooked by Space Invaders.
Does anyone else remember the goofy "Space Invaders" song from the late 70's or early 80's?

Blogger Victoria said...

Enjoy the nice weather for me, Lazy.
Admiral? You own more than one boat now? Haha.

Blogger Mariamariacuchita said...

good civic responsibility.

Blogger Dave said...

The Lazy,

I can't believe you used the word slave. I won't tell the media.

I hope the boat runs well and don't forget the sunscreen.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

Badoozie - Welcome back! There was much joy in Mudville today.

CM - I would say Poseidon is a bitch, but the reality is I offer Merciful Poseidon an ounce or two of the first beer I open on the boat. I pour it directly overboard. If it is for all the homies no longer here I pour it on the deck.

Victoria - I like to pretend that all the other larger nicer boats are really mine, but I am such a nice guy I just let my friends borrow them. DERM needs someone with a brain - please apply already.

Maria - yes, I am a sucker like that. Civic Responsibility is not cheap at almost $3 a gallon again.

Caiman - I crossed out the word "slave" so everything is OK. Plus my boat was pretty chalky. Calling Whitey "slave" is OK. I was just a water taxi, I did not pick my crew. My crew picked my boat.

Actionbell - Beer has many uses. Boat christening is only one of them. Except for lite beer, that stuff is worthless.


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