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Sunday, September 23, 2007

Hardee Har Har

This is classic.

Saturday something arrived in the mail. A 2008 calendar. From the Alzheimer's Association. I think they are reading my blog.

I do not remember ever sending these people money. But I must have. The calendar is pretty nice. It contains prints of paintings by famous artists (Van Gogh, Monet, Henri Martin, and others). The prints and calendar pages are each a little larger than an 8.5x11 sheet of paper.

Anyway, I thought it was funny in light of my previous posts. And I really do not ever remember sending these people any money. Strange.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

the calendar would have meant more if the pic's had been painted by people with no arms who paint with their mouths, or toes..or people who have forgotten who they are and crap their pants

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ps, don't be concerned with my updated avatar, I've got what the doctors call "a little bit of a weight problem"

Blogger TLP said...

LOL. Ya, sexism. Actonbell is very thin.

I send money to the Alzheimer's Association and they never send me a calendar. Just sayin'. Or if they do, I forgot about it.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe you would name a parrot "patchy"...that is so lame, can't you come up with something more original? come ON DUDE

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

Ba Doozer - the prints are nice. I can not afford a real Monet so I have to take what I can get. I was alarmed to see you turned into a fat dancing guy.

Actionbell - I am getting breast enlargement spam. This amuses me. Do people really respond to offers of invasive surgery they get in email?

TLP - maybe the Alzheimers Association got me confused for you? It is possible.

QZ - At least I do the dishes. If someone else loads them in the automatic dishwasher. I will press the "start" button.


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