Sofa King Worth It.
OK so maybe I should not have driven home. But fuck it - I did. So what of it??? Wanna fight about it????
So here is what went down. I have secured passage on a sailing vessel for a Miami to Key Largo regatta. This is really cool.
See I have never been on a sailboat of this magnitude! This is a 42 foot boat. A REAL sailboat. And if I want to go, I am there.
Well fuck! It seems I am going to Key Largo this weekend. I mean why the hell not?? I already have passage - all I have to do is make the formal request.
I may also have another opportunity to fulfill a dream of about 1 year. To be a homeowner. And of course by "homeowner" I mean a sailboat. It seems some Canadian croaked.
Pitty party on three. One. Two. Three!
Thus ends the pitty party.
Anyhow someone with a sailboat in Miami kicked the bucket. The boat is still here. The family of the bucket kicker is in Canada.
Now here is the good part. It is possible that I may be able to get said sailboat for a song and a dance.
So....should I do it??? Should I live on the water in a 40 foot sailboat? Can I live OFF THE FUCKING GRID!??!?!?!
Who knows. But I am not going to get too excited about it right now. I think I can exist on a sailboat off the grid. Skipper and Fat Fred can keep the birds from shitting all over everything. In theory. Maybe.
At any rate, this is an interesting proposition. Canadians with sailboats living in Miami do not die everyday. So if I am going to do this I need to shit or get off the pot. Do it or not do it.
But in the meantime, I really think I am going to be crew for the regatta from Miami to Key Largo. It will be an adventure.
Labels: Sailing
You can do it.
If you can do it, do it. I would love to do something like that. What an opportunity.
Fuzz - I think I could. I would get a wind generator and some solar panels. And I do not think I would live on the boat full time at first. But I would still require a generator and a small AC for those days when the wind is calm and the bugs are out and so on.
M@ - No more lawn to mow! So that is good. I can fish from the porch. That is also neat. The world is my toilet, if I need to take a leak just pee off the porch. Like Billy Carter. It would be cool. So long as there are no hurricanes.
wow, you would really live on one? Exciting and scary.....but hey, Crockett did it, why couldn't you? :)
Ems - yea, I think I would. It would be a neat experience. A lifestyle change for sure.
Oh lordy--sounds a little rich for my blood! But you like the water so it might be just the thing.
My only question is, what about the cats?
I think a boat needs to be moved from time to time. So if you can bring together different needs "under one hat" ... You can give it a try and dis-embark if you do not like it.
Lily - Skipper and Cleo would come with me. Or maybe Skipper and Fred. In the end two cats would have to live with my parents.
Mago - the boat would not have to be moved. But if it did not move then it would have a lot of growth on the hull. So every so often - like once or twice a month, it would have to go for a cruise. Nothing too fancy, just a couple of hours under sail or power. I think I could pull this off. And what the hell - I could also go to the Bahamas!
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