Blessed art thou who do not do this.
To the best of my knowledge, this photo was not altered in any way. It is an actual stained glass window. I stole it from this website

Something wrong here

My little island of wasted bandwidth in a vast sea of internet porn.
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No Rights Reserved. Take Anything You Want, But If You Steal Any Text Link To Here.
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Greed: | High | |
Gluttony: | High | |
Wrath: | Low | |
Sloth: | Very High | |
Envy: | Low | |
Lust: | High | |
Pride: | High |
King Gambrinus - Patron Saint of beer.
To the best of my knowledge, this photo was not altered in any way. It is an actual stained glass window. I stole it from this website
Here is the text that goes with this photo. I have no idea if it is true or not. Someone sent it to me as e-mail.
So you thought you were safe! You though that you were going to look at yet another boring blog! HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you are in MY blog and I am 1/2 in the bag! That means I might rant and rave about ANYTHING!!! You are not safe!!!!!!!
OK, so I am at my favorite place in the universe, enjoying a beer or three (or maybe four - I lost count). I got to thinking, which is often a very dangerous thing for me to do.
Are you stuck in the world of dial up? If so, that really sucks for you.
It is fair to say I am lazy. Out of all the 7 deadly sins, sloth is my favorite. Gluttony and lust are also high on the list, but those sins require some effort. Well, except for lust - thanks to the internet (see my post about all computers having porn). Anyway I am veering off topic here.
I have a collection of stickers on my truck. Most of the stuff I have is either funny, or it pisses you off. I suppose there are some who have no opinion. Not all my stickers are anti-Bush - I also have pro-union, Everglades National Park and Biscayne National Park, and a What Would Scooby Do sticker. Here is the latest sticker I ordered. Look for one at a pisser near you!
Sometimes, when I am extra bored, I take part in something called Geocaching. Today, while hanging out at one of my favorite places, I got a great idea!
What do a penguin, a squirrel, the movie Deliverance, The Dukes Of Hazard, some pigs, and racist turkies all have in common? Want to find out?
One of my most well known theories is that all computers have porn. If there is no porn on your computer, you are not normal. If you can not find any porn on the internet - you are beyond help.