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Friday, August 18, 2006

Number 1, 3, 6, and 7

So yesterday I FINALLY posted my fascism post. I had written this post weeks before - in my head. I just needed to put it into HTML format and post it here. As long as it was, I created it fairly quickly.

Today, I will take a snapshot of stuff going on RIGHT NOW and compare it to points 1 (powerful nationalism), 3 (identification of scapegoats / enemies as a unifying cause), 6 (control of the mass media), and 7 (obsession over national security). I am doing this just for fun.

You might have heard that a Federal Judge found that the illegal Bush wiretaps were.....well....ILLEGAL. In violation of the Constitution. The President can NOT just do whatever the crap he wants to do - he must operate under this thing called "the law".

But when you turn on ANY major news channel - what do you hear? Hours and hours of coverage over the 10 year old JonBenet case. On the local news, there may be a whole 20 or 30 seconds of coverage about the court case - 10 minutes about the "6 year old beauty queen" (and how CREEPY is that? All the media outlets call her a "beauty queen". We are talking about a LITTLE GIRL here! Little girls are NOT "beauty queens". Cute, yes. Adorable, yes. HOT?!?!?! HELL NO YOU FRIGGIN PERVERTS! YOU ARE ALL WORSE THAN MICHAEL JACKSON!!!)

Anyway, there is the "control over the mass media". Plant one story to replace another story you want buried. The police, including the Bush Justice Department knew about the creepy guy in Thiland for months if not years. So why act now? To cover up something else maybe?!??! You think?!!??! I do. Right in front of everyone's face there is clear evidence. Need more evidence? The Colorado Police have said a lot about the arrest EXCEPT for "we have a strong case". This is because htey do not. There are HUGE holes in the confession. For one, the dude's ex-wife said he was in another state when the murder happened. In most divorce cases, your ex-wife will NOT lie to save your sorry child killing ass.

And what does Bush have to say about the case and hiss MAJOR loss in court? "Those who herald this decision simply do not understand the nature of the world in which we live," Bush said at Camp David. Right there, number 3 and 7! Bush understands the nature of the world we live in - but the judge does not. We need to throw out court warrants because it makes us safer (obsession with national security). Also that no good judge was appointed by PRESIDENT CARTER - a LIBERAL who LOVES TERRORISTS (using scapegoats as a unifying cause).

The government argued that the power to order the taps, without asking any court, is within the Presidents power but proving that would require making public "state secrets" (number 1 on the list! Powerful nationalism). So we are to understand that proving Presidential powers would require giving up state secrets? That IS what the Justice Department said right? I mean, if they could PROVE that Bush has the power to order the wiretaps but doing so would require making state secrets public - would that also mean ALL PRESIDENTIAL POWERS are a secret?

The evidence is now right in front of you. Secret presidential powers that the government can not tell you about or else the terrorists win. Liberal judges that want the terrorists to win. The mysterious way that CNN, Fox, MSNBC, and all the other major TV news networks devote pretty much all their air time to talking about terror plots and JonBenet - while avoiding the loss Bush had in court. Bush understanding the world we live in when I have serious doubts he understands how to tie his shoes.

Everyone in America needs to memorize the list created by Dr. Laurence Britt. Print it out if you have to. The link is HERE. Apply the things on the list to what YOU SEE going on right now. Then decide if you like the direction the nation is heading in.


Blogger Lila said...

You are so right. JonBenet is all over the news, and barely a peep about the rest.

Thank goodness the wiretap case was decided correctly!

I'll check out that link.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I recall a professor in college who told us to look for the important news on the 2nd page - back. The headlines are usually going to be the latest local murder story or some other sensational item that will make people buy the paper from the stands.

That was a long time ago but it's still a good rule.

We're being JonBeneted to death here in the mid-Atlantic. Now, granted, the guy is a full-fledged weirdo and my creepometer went off the scales but he is not very likely the killer of JBR.

I also suspect he was drugged but that's another issue.

The coverage is just a good way to keep the masses intrigued with the sensationalism.

Look on the second page of the paper - back.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

The guy pegs my creep-o-meter as well.

Even if he did not kill the girl (and there is more than enough reason to think he did not - he is just making it all up) he is still CREEPY AS HELL and needs to be put somewhere far away from any kids.

Better safe than sorry. He clearly THINKS about child rape/murder. To me, this is enough reason to warehouse the guy for a long while.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My first reaction? Git a rope!

Well, more realistic... Warehousing him would work. Better yet, put him on a GPS ankle bracelet and monitor every bloody move he makes. Make him support himself at some menial job that will bore the crap out of him and keep him too busy to fantasize about boinking little girls.

Leaving him in Thailand would be another option. Any prison here is the Bel Air Hotel in comparison to theirs.

Apparently, Thailand needs English speaking teachers so badly that they don't do background checks. Of course, they don't seem to care much about child sexual exploitation anyway. Have you ever walked through a certain neighborhood in Bangkok? Little girls are on display in windows like the Macy's Christmas displays. When I was over there, it made me want to heave!

No matter how it plays out wrt JonBenet, the guy is a dangerous pedophile and needs to be kept away from all kids.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

LI, Check out this blog for some interesting comments related to fascism.


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