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Monday, August 14, 2006

What The F???

Snakes On A Plane? What the crap!?!?!??!

Seriously, Hollywood needs to start running movie ideas past me. I will work for cheap, and save them MILLIONS of dollars. Snakes on a plane? I wonder how this idea came to be. Here is my best guess.

PRODUCER 1: (inhale noise) Man this is some good shit! Where is it from? Jamacia? Mexico? (coughs).
PRODUCER 2: Naw man! This is some chronic that my neighbor grew in his closet! Seedless man! I think he calls it Northern Lights!
PRODUCER 3: Who cares man! Quit bogarting that thing! Pass the dutchie on the left hand side!
PRODUCER 2: HEY MAN! We should make a movie. About SNAKES! Yea! Snakes are cool!
PRODUCER 1: YES! Snakes! Why did I not think of this!
PRODUCER 3: What should the snakes do? Maybe they can be rasta snakes or something?
PRODUCER 1: Lets put the snakes in a CAR! That would be funny!
PRODUCER 2: In a car? And then what? The car stops, people get out, and the movie is over?
PRODUCER 3: I GOT IT! Lets put the snakes on a plane! Yea! We can call the movie Snakes On A Plane!
PRODUCER 1: GREAT! Ill line up the millions and millions of dollars it will take to make the movie!
PRODUCER 3: Who has the joint? I forgot we were smoking it.
PRODUCER 2: Its just a roach now. I am going to get Old Smokey.

And so Snakes On A Plane was born. The worst movie idea EVER. For a mere fraction of the tens of millions of dollars WASTED on this idea I could have told them not to do it.


Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

From what I understand from Miss Cellania's post yesterday, that's pretty close to what happened! Weird!

Blogger Econo-Girl said...

I agree that it is a totally stupid idea for a movie.


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