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Sunday, August 20, 2006

Protecting Corporate Power

So you have doubts that corporate power is being protected. Of course it is not! Why, corporations have no more rights than I do! I am just some sort of anti-capitalist pig who wants the terrorists to win! Lets use more of that fear to get the people to goose step in time to the marching music!

But maybe you remember Hurricane Katrina. In a few days it will be one year since the storm hit the US Gulf Coast. What?!?! You forgot!! Well then you are a GREAT AMERICAN! You are supposed to think that Bush's good friend "Brownie" did a great job, and anyone who expected FEMA to not laugh at them (and maybe even HELP in some way) does not understand what the agency is there for. FEMA is here to waste vast amounts of money on crazy "what if" senarios, such as a "terrorist" dropping an atomic bomb on Chicago or something. For more mundane, non terror related events that are FAR more likely to happen - such as hurricans, floods, tornados, or more movies with Rob Schneider.

So Paul and Julie Leonard of Pascagoula, Mississippi bought windstorm insurance. They were told by their insurance company (Nationwide) that they had full coverage for damage usually caused by hurricanes. They also claim the insurance company said this about flood insurance. "Yall do not need that garbage! The policy we sold you is good enough".

But then a hurricane did $130,000 in damage to their home. And what do you suppose happened when the Leonard's filed for a claim? Nationwide Insurance said that they did not have flood coverage, and all the damage was done by a flood. None of the $130,000 in damage had anything to do with their "windstorm" coverage.

So the Leonard's hired a lawyer. They argued that the company said they would be covered, and that they did not need any flood insurance, so was it crazy to expect the company what it said it would do?

But the Leonard's failed to read the contract. In small print it said "this insurance is worthless, for if there is so much as 1 millimeter of water ALL DAMAGE will be declared flood damage and will not be covered by the windstorm rider".

The judge in the case upheld the insurance company scam and ruled that Nationwide did not have to cover any flood damage. However, the Leonard's lawyer claimed "victory" because it was ruled that exactly $1,228.16 had to be paid for windstorm damage. For this $1,2oo the lawyer claimed "a big victory".

So I have something to ask this lawyer. Say I sue your ass for "six kicks you your nuts" under the reasoning that you are an asshole and deserve six kicks to the nuts. The judge rules that six kicks are not warranted, but allows me to kick you in the nuts ONCE, but I get to wear steel toe boots. Is that a vicotry? I mean I lost right? I asked for 6 kicks but the judge said I can only kick you once. Sounds like a clear "victory" for you and a major loss for me!

What Nationwide SHOULD tell people who buy homeowners instuance from them that this.

Our insurance is worthless! We will use clever disclaimers and small print to limit our liability to cover ONLY damage caused by radioactive mutant hamsters! No radioactive mutant hamsters, and no claim will be paid. In fact, we will not even cover hamster damage! We just want your monthly checks. Give us the checks, and in return we will give you this worthless policy that you can frame and hang in your bathroom in case you run out of toilet paper".

What amazes me is that these criminal insurance companies are allowed to get away with this crap. People give them money for coverage - and then when they file a claim they get squat.

But do not expect the government to do anything. They would be all over a law banning flag burning (gotta encourage that nationalism!!) but a law requiring insurance companies to tell policy holders exactly what kinds of things are NOT covered, or under what circumstances claims will not be paid (like the 1 millimeter of sea water = a flood and not windsotrm) is just plain ANTI-AMERICAN! We should all be happy that the corporate power structure is secure, for EVERYTHING we have that is good is because of it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had auto insurance for years from the same company. Then there was an occurrence when they actually had to pay out something on my behalf (it wasn't really all that much). So they were forced to raise my rates to "recover" their loss. I wondered about all the money I had already been paying for years.
But really, what do you expect ? I am required by law to carry the insurance.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

Of course you are. Insurance companies need to stay awash in cash so the fat cat CEOs can continue to make mega contributions to political races. They also manage large investments. And then there are the investors who invest in insurance companies.

All these people NEED YOUR MONEY. So pay up. Quit asking questions.


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