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Friday, August 04, 2006

Putting The French Back Into Freedom

Or something like that. But first......

MORE ANIMAL CRIMES! This time it is not a dog or a cat or a very angry swamp bunny. This time it is BUGS.

Bees Attack Rescue Workers Freeing Trapped 16-Year-Old Girl From SUV. This gang assult on a hapless human was not exactly out of the blue, unlike the attacks by Lewis The Cat. In this case a 16 year old driver slammed a SUV into a dead tree - which was some kind of bee condo. Of course the bees were pissed that their home was damaged - the bee colony was just informed the week before that their insurance company was going to drop them after raising their rates 70% the year before.

I can understand the bee's anger at the person who took out their home - but the attack on the rescue workers was just plain wrong! BAD BEES! NO! NO!

Anyway, back to the title of the post! As I find more examples of the alarming animal crime wave trend you know where to find it! Right here!

Now back to the original post idea!

French Fries are back on the menu at the US House of Representatives. This is from the BBC. I do not know when the French Fries came back, but the story is dated August 2, 2006. The story about the name change to Freedom Fries was on Feburary 20, 2003. OVER THREE YEARS AGO!

Now I know - back in WWI sauerkraut was renamed "Liberty Cabbage" and frankfurters were renamed "hot dogs". But (correct me if I am wrong here - we all know that people on "the left" like to revise hisotry) WE WERE AT FRIGGIN WAR WITH GERMANY at the time!

So what prompted the US House of Representatives to switch to "freedom fries"?

*** WARNING! More "liberal" revisionist history is about to follow!!! ***

In 2003, Bush wanted to go to war with Iraq. His Magic 8 Ball said "yes" when he asked it if Saddam had WMDs.

But the French apparently used another method to decide on war. The DARED to state that there was no clear evidence of WMDs in Iraq. They suggested that rushing to war was not the best idea, and that more inspectors should be sent in to verify or disprove the US WMD claim.

So in the US, the neo-cons, who were suddenly ALL experts on all things terror related, just KNEW the French were wrong and that their hesitation would allow Saddam to get his hands on all manners of nasty things and nuke us.

So the USA decided to show those French what time it was. French Fries became Freedom Fries. French Toast became Freedom Toast! Idiots gathered up French Wine and dumped it out, kind of like a good old fashioned Nazi book burning. TAKE THAT FRANCE!

And to further prove they were right - the Bush Administration made the case that no matter what it would go to war and find what the Magic 8 Ball said was there.

Except that they were WRONG. There were no nukes. There were no biological war labs. And that means that......well that the French were right. There. I said it. The French were right.

And finally, after three years, the idiots on the hill switched back to French Fries at lunch.

Oh wait! I forgot I said that there would be REVISIONIST history here! I seem to have posted what actually happened! So I will try again.


Bush said there would be WMDs. The French said "your mother was a hamster, and your father smelled of elderberries!". But when Bush ordered US forces in Iraq, the place was littered with banned weapons! Nukes, chemical munitions, bubonic plague labs, and worse! And on EVERYTHING found was a "Made In France" sticker!


Why elected officials would do so much to bad mouth a nation that is our ally and friend is still a mystery to me. France gave the USA the Statue Of Liberty. France supported the USA during the revolution. France gave us a really great deal on a huge swath of land around the Mississippi River from the Gulf Of Mexico to Canada - WITHOUT a war being fought over it. France ships us some darn good wine and cheese.

And when the facist have a disagreement with our friend and ally, what do they do? Freedom Fries? Come on now! If there were grown-ups in charge of the House this would never have happened. But when the children are allowed to run the school - lets just say not a whole lot of book learning is going to happen.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man... I know there was something wrong when you went on about loving your job. Maybe you should lay off the booze a bit, or stop drinking the cheap stuff.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

cheap stuff? Never gonna happen.

Blogger The Devil Uno said...

haha! kill the prez shoot him as a warning to future leaders.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

The owner of this blog in NO WAY encourages OR condones acts of violence directed towards the sitting President of The United States, any former President Of The United States, or any other current or former elected official of The United States be it at the local, state, or federal level.

In addition, the owner of this blog does not condone any acts of violence against any forigen leader of any nation.

End of legal disclaimer.


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