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King Gambrinus - Patron Saint of beer.

Friday, September 22, 2006


You know what? It is not so bad that Friday for the known universe is Monday for me. Really. So what if my "weekend" is Wednesday and Thursday. It all works out. And here is how!

First off, what happens in the office on Friday? EVERYONE is pre-occupied on the weekend. For most people, their brain leaves work by 10:00 AM and their body has to catch up at 5:00 PM. People are more likely to physically leave work early - to get a jump start on the weekend.

In short, it is easy to hide from the boss. If you need to. I do not need to, because I do what I am supposed to do. I get along with the boss. But if I NEEDED to hide from the boss on my Monday, it would not be too hard. You get the idea here.

And then my Tuesday and Wednesday are "ghost office days". Nobody is there. Well almost nobody. Just me, and two or three other people in my division with weekend shifts. And the cleaning people. Every so often security sweeps the floor, to check if the doors are locked and stuff.

You know what this means. OFFICE CHAIR RACES! Congo lines. Putting my feet up on stuff. Playing fun games with the photocopier. Coffee breaks. And so on. Being in the empty office is not so bad.

By the time the office is full of people again, it is already THURSDAY! But for everyone else it is Monday. So while everyone else is foot dragging, I am all hopped up! My weekend is almost here!

And of course on Tuesday, when everyone else is 100% back from their weekend and the work week truly begins, it is already Friday for me. Everyone is all like "what are YOU so happy about?" Then I get to say "because today is FRII-DAYY" and do the happy dance.

Oh yea, and on my weekend everyone else is at work. The boat ramps are totally EMPTY. The stores are mostly empty. It is super easy to find places to park. I can hang out at the local tavern and have a beer or two with lunch - while everyone else GLARES at me because they have to go back to work after lunch and can not have a beer. But they WANT one.

All in all, it is not so bad.


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