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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Something Screwy Going On Here

First off - the squirrel story is true. 100% not bullshit. I could not have made that story up if I tried to. The stolen guns part I could have made up - but that was true as well. There WERE hot guns in the car, stuffed under the floor.

Which brings up a question. Say I rent a car. I drive it somewhere. On the way, I get pulled over. The cop asks if they can run a dog around the car. The dog finds drugs stuffed under the floor - drugs I did not put there. I hide my stash in front of the engine air filter.

Of course the cop is going to believe me when I say "those are not my drugs! I did not know they were there!". Something to think about next time you rent a car!

Second point - nobody is leaving comments! I know people are getting here. Neo Earth is collecting plenty of yellow dots. Do you all WANT the terrorists to win? I guess so!

Now for the good part! The check engine light in the truck is off. I got tired of looking at it, so I cut the wires that power the light. So now it is off! Take that pollution control system!

I made that up. I got the thing fixed. I also had the internal workings of the engine pressure cleaned. Whatever carbon deposits that were in there should be gone.

And nobody found the stash I forgot to remove from the air filter box. Nifty.


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