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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Jack Squat Day

I did not get Jack Squat done today. I am also not 100% on "Jack Squat" being a pronoun. And while I am at it, they should rename the lottery the "Jack Squattery" cause I have never won squat. I stole that line from THIS SHOW.

But I shall get stuff done in the marrow! Or is it "on the marrow?" Well whatever it is, Ill do it when the sun is up. I have other stuff to do. I have a lunch thing to attend with some people from the former job. At a swanky place! So I will be motivated to get up and go. When I get home I can do some more stuff. Like crap removal from the truck.

And now it is time to play a game! This game even has a THEME SONG! And the game also has a THEME PICTURE! Here it is! You should probably load the theme music now!

OK so here is how you play. I post a question. You come up with a word to put in the BLANK. If you match my word, you get a point.

Mrs. Jones said to Farmer Jones, "you better get new glasses, you just attached the automatic milking machine to your ______"


The Tidy Bowl man has made so much money (HOW MUCH MONEY?!?!), he got a _______ for his little boat.

At this point the THEME MUSIC should be playing, while you come up with a word.

Ill post my words as a comment!


Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

And my words are........
1. Tractor
2. Bar

Not that funny. But in the 70s when this show was on the air drugs were a lot cheaper, and the cops were not looking for them as much. Maybe this had something to do with this show's long run?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

These both sounded dirty to me. I must not be quite right today.

Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

Hmmmm. I'm glad you supplied the answers, cuz mine would've been x-rated.

Blogger TLP said...

Me three. I had a dirty answer to the first question. Not so dirty for the second.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

So? It is not like this shit is G rated! Post your words :)

Blogger TLP said...

You just attached the automatic milking machine to your prick.

...he got a motor for his little boat. (The shit would really fly then.


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