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Saturday, July 28, 2007

Back To Normal

I have used this post title before. Blogger remembers. Or Firefox remembers. Whatever.

Anyhow, things are back to normal. I had to leave Fred and Sake in cat jail. What was their crime? Gluttony. Fred is fat and Sake is not fat but does not need to weigh more. They are both gobblers. The other cats are nibblers. Gigi, Cleo, and Skipper are nibblers. They like to eat small amounts of food often. Fred and Sake will just eat and eat. I was afraid if I left them with unlimited food they would eat it all and the nibblers would starve.

Anyhow when I got Fred and Sake out of kitty jail, the people said they were afraid if Fred. All he did was sulk in the back of his cage with his ears pinned back. He never growled or meowed or hissed or made any sound. He just looked at the people with his ears pinned back the whole time. They were afraid of that. It was the silent treatment that got the people on edge. But Fred nevedr attacked or killed anyone so it is all good.

Sake was nicer. She would act happy to see her captors. So they were not afraid of her. But they were afraid of Fred.

Gigi, Cleo, and Skipper hung out at home. I just left them with a lot of food and water. They were OK. I think Skipper pissed off the girl cats, but nobody beat anyone else up. Skipper was pretty happy to see a human again. I do not think the other cats were very nice to him.

I got a pre tour on the Eagle Friday. It was pretty cool. The ship was only open to special people on Friday - not the general public. I seem to count as a special person. Maybe it is my US Coast Guard ID? Who knows. Anyway I will be conducting tours on board today. In the afternoon. As an unpaid volunteer. But that is no big deal, I am just happy to be able to help out. By being there it means a cadet does not have to be there - so one more crew member can have a good time here in Miami and not have to remain on the ship. It really is the least that I can so. I will enjoy my time acting as a tour guide, and someone else sick of being on board can get off and go have a good time somewhere else. So everyone wins. I guess.

I still have to fix the F word ing power trim motor on the boat. And get dive tank mounts for the boat. Then I can go diving while the water is still bath tub warm.

But slowly, everything is going back to normal. Whatever the hell normal is.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

you've done it this time....Fred is going to kill you in your sleep for subjecting him to cat hell ie: kitty hotel. He called me while you were gone and told me what you had done to him and how he was going to seek revenge, and I informed him to use a knife. Using his teeth or claws could result in the mutany that happened to my cats, so he agreed. Good luck

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

Fred is back to his usual orange fat self. I think he forgot about kitty jail. But really it is his own fault he was sent there. If the fat ass could just refrain from eating all the food he would have been left at home.

Blogger Cie Cheesemeister said...

When I had to take Isis to Kitty Torture Camp, aka getting her spayed, she was such a horror that the vet assistant had to reach in and quickly grab her by the scruff and put her quickly into the cat carrier. She yowled and snarled all the way home. None of my other cats have ever had to be handled like that. Isis is evil incarnate. I hope she and Fred never learn to communicate telepathically. We'd all be screwed.


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