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Sunday, August 05, 2007

Getting Things Done.

I never updated anyone on my "get something done" progress! Well I cleaned out the tool box. I use my truck tool box as a trunk. Pick up trucks do not have trunks.

Anyway I found many treasures in the tool box. And a lot of trash. In the treasure department I found a long lost small aluminum folding table, a Saws All, an orbital sander borrowed from a friend that nobody knew where the hell it was, and a really nice 500 piece crimping kit that I thought was gone. And other stuff too! It was like "OHH! So that is where this thing went off to!". Over and over again.

In the trash category, there were two pairs of old ratty sneakers, a phone/fax switch, and a bunch of paper trash. And plastic bags with nothing in them. Loose bits of stuff from projects. And so on. And of course, all the garbage was covering up all the good stuff. This could be why the good stuff got lost in the first place.

But now the tool box is all cleaned out. I took everything out of it, separating the good stuff from the garbage. Then I take the tool box out to hose it out. I also removed the bed rug thing and hosed that off. All sorts of filth was in the beg rug. Mostly dirt and old leaves and stuff. And some ROACHES! AGGHHH! Roaches! Not really a big surprise there, the tool box would trap leaves and stuff under and behind it. And it would trap moisture too. So it was the perfect place for roaches. Plenty of food and water. I am kind of surprised more were not there. But they are all gone now.

The tool box is now all organized and stuff. I am very proud of it at this point. I may even take a picture and post it here. I also washed the truck and so the thing is all ready for the wax. I used some polish on the hood and can not see any difference, so I am going to skip that step. It is not necessary.

Maybe this will get done today. In the late afternoon. If I do not find something else to do.

And now for some movie reviews.

No Man's Land. It is the 1990s. The Balkans are at war. The Serbs and Bosnians are trying to kill each other. War is like that. Anyway some guys from each side get stuck into the same trench. What happens when regular guys from each side of a nasty war get stuck into the same trench? Can they get along because they have to? Will they kill each other? Eho knows. It was OK. Three tail whips. You have to read this movie because the dialog in in some crazy language. The English dialog parts have a heavy French accent. So if you rent this movie be ready for this.

Dune: A classic science fiction flick. Star wars meets Lord Of The Rings. The universe is controlled by an Emperor, and several royal families. It seems in the future man reverts back to the feudal system. Anyway there is also "The Guild" and the Bene Gesserits. And planet Arrakis, where all the spice is. Spice is a substance that everyone needs. Mostly The Guild, who use the spice to fold space and time allowing for very long distance space travel instantly. If you like science fiction stuff then you may like Dune. Otherwise, do not bother. 3 tail whips.

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Blogger Jandi for The Fuzz said...

I read Dune years ago. We watched one "Dune" flic once, it was preaty spacey. I think there are more than one though.

Blogger TLP said...

I read Dune. Too far out for me.

That must be a hellava big tool box ya got there! Whoa. So much stuff.

On the post below, man, you are funny!

Blogger Unknown said...

Sci-fi doesnt do squat for me..but No Mans Land sounds good..thank you dear Lazy :)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Lazy,

Every time I return to Florida the Palmetto Bugs launch a surprise attack on me.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

Fuzz - There is one Dune movie I am aware of. But it was remade a few times. It must not have done very well because the ending was wide open for a sequel.

TLP - the tool box was stuffed full of crap. I could barely get the lid closed. It looks much nicer now.

Dusty - No Man's Land was interesting. I do not want to say too much because I might spoil the ending.

Krok - the palmetto bugs are thick. As you know. And they will fly in your hair. I think that some people with great hair should probably just avoid Florida.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

you can't post a pic because you didn't take a "before" shot. ok, have you ever won a blogger award?

that beagle freaking howled alllllll day, no joke. I had an interesting chat with the witches next door neighbors.....very interesting

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

Caiman gave me a blog template award.

The beagle probably wants someone else to adopt it. It probably hates snore witch too. Can you imagine having to live there? Poor dog.

What did the neighbors say? Do you have allies for your war?

Blogger Cie Cheesemeister said...

I usually like sci-fi but I couldn't get into Dune.
Then I found out that the author is a self absorbed ass. I think it shows in his book.

Blogger Jandi for The Fuzz said...

The book was open for a sequel, and I think it might even be a trilogy.


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