Cult Of Foamy
It has been a long time since we have heard from Foamy!
And who is Foamy? Dude - you do not know? Foamy is a very pissed off squirrel. But Foamy is also an excellent commentator. Foamy should have a TV show really. The squirrel is that good.
For example:
Now now great is that? I could not come up with a better heat related rant myself. Except I would have ranted more about how useless a lot of "news" is. NEWS FLASH! IT IS HOT! Well no shit. It is "the summer". It does not usually snow in "the summer". If it did snow then that would be news.
On the flip side of the coin, it is NOT NEWS that it is cold in "the winter". This is normal. Normal shit is NOT NEWS! News is, by definition, shit you may want to know about that is NOT NORMAL. If something happened every day, it is about as newsworthy as my Monty Python themed boxer shorts.
The boxer shorts say "I fart in your general direction". Just so you know.
Fart jokes work for underwear.
But getting back to Foamy.
Foamy rules.
Labels: Foamy The Squirrel
I can never tell what that stupid squirrel is saying.
LOL! I have to admit that The Squirrel rocks!
I love Monty Python too. Good stuff today.
What is this nonsense? I'm drunk and I'm on dialup and the damn squirrel isn't loading....
What is this nonsense? I'm drunk and I'm on dialup and the damn squirrel isn't loading....
Fuzz - I have had the privilege of hearing English spoken through a wide variety of accents - so if someone is speaking English I can usually understand what they are saying. As long as they are not from Boston. Its "harbor" not "haaaaaa-baaaaah".
TLP - who does not like Foamy?
m@ - dialup? What happened to your fancy fiber optic thing? Did you fall off the technology bus or something? You Tube does not work well when on dialup man.
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