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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Space Shuttle

So I saw the Space Shuttle launch today. It was pretty cool. I was at the boat club, and when the thing lifted off I looked north.

And there in the sky - some 300 or so miles away - a plume of fire was visible in the night sky.

Due to the distance, there was no sound. But I could see the fire from the engines. I watched it go till it was just a speck in the sky, barely visible.

It was cool.

Before they stop flying the shuttle I want to get to the space center and watch a lift off from closer.


Blogger Doozie said...

I bet sometimes you fart so much you practically have lift off from your couch

Blogger Cie Cheesemeister said...

I related a great fart story on The Hub. A famous fart story, in fact! Well, at least it involved a famous person.
I guess if the shuttle had trouble taking off, the crew could just eat lots of beans for some extra lifting power.

Blogger Jandi for The Fuzz said...

300 miles seems like a long way to see. But then, I did see the moon the other day, and it is even farther than that.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys are fuckin' dumb asses!!!


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