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Monday, April 02, 2007

You Got Punked, Japanese Style!

You know that crappy MTV show "Punked"? They play jokes on people. But the jokes are LAME! OHHHH! Having someone's car towed! Real original there! Plus the people on Punked are usually celebrities of some sort. OH NO! You had my BMW towed! Good thing my backup Jaguar is parked right here!

Well the Japanese know what a joke is all about. Check out the You Tube thing. This is just HARSH! Harsh, but funny as hell. As long as it is not me. But for someone else it is great. Here you are, having fun at the ski place. Then you walk in the spa thing and before you know it - the massage chair EJECTS YOUR ASS onto the snow! The rocket chair is even better.

This is part 1 of a Japanese prank show series! Trust me, they are all good. Some are better than others, but all are good.

If you ever go to Japan - WATCH OUT! Be careful on the slopes. You never know what is going on.

People think I am crazy because I want to go to Japan. People say "but it is so far away!". Yes it is. Thanks Einstein! I did not know that! Really? It is far? I thought it was just north of Georgia! I can't just drive there? REALLY!!?!?

And they say "everyone speaks Japanese there, and you do not!". REALLY!!?!?! In Japan they speak Japanese?!?! Shit in Miami everyone speaks Spanish. I do not speak Spanish. Yet I seem to get by OK. I can even order Cafe Cubano at the La Caretta without a problem. So I learn a few key Japanese phrases like "please", "thank you", "you bring me great honor", "I would like a hot sake", and "turn on the TV".

And they say I am insane that one of the things I want to do in Tokyo is hang out at a bar and watch TV. But come on! With shows like this on the tube who would not want to get drunk and watch it!!

Beanie - enjoy the new Iguana Music. Rick James will return at a later date.



Blogger Victoria said...

Japan is pretty great. I went there without speaking a word of it, but my two friends did, which was very helpful... try to find yourself another Japanophile as a travel buddy!
Oh and yes: the TV is quite ridiculous! But really, if I were you, I would focus on the food. So tasty...
And last but not least, I've always wanted to do this:
and also this, while I'm at it:

Blogger Cie Cheesemeister said...

I always wanted to go to Japan. We studied it in fourth grade and I really fell in love with the idea. They would think I was crazy though because I refuse to eat uncooked sushi! ;-p

Blogger Normy said...

I took three years of Japanese in high school... it would be fun to go there. If you ever go, just remember: 'Amerikajin desu' - I am an American, 'Konnichiwa' - Hello, 'Ohaio Gozaimasu' - Greetings/Good morning (literally, it is honorably early), 'Sayoonara' - Goodbye, 'Oteari ni ittemo ii desu ka' - May I be excused to use the bathroom, and 'Doomo' - Thank you.

I always thought it would be fun to go there and act like you know Japanese, but then say random things once in a while like 'Saru o bakuhatte' - The monkey has exploded.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

Victoria - I agree, Japan is great.I think I will do OK even if I do not speak Japanese. It is not like the Japanese education system does not teach Engrish. At least some signs will be in engrish. And I have a GPS so I can take waypoints and not get too rost. I will do my TV viewing at a place where I can get sake and food.

CM - not all Japanese food is uncooked. Just some of it. Plus the Japanese are very into the west - so I would imagine that you can find western style food there. Just like for us Americans Japan is some far away exotic place, for them the same is true about America. They love to come here. Usually with 10 cameras per person. What will probably drive you (and me) crazy is Tokyo. ALL THE PEOPLE! Miami is not a walking city. I am not used to streets packed with people. But it will be cool to be able to see over the heads of everyone.

Normy - I doubt I will have to tell anyone I am American. The keen observational powers of a retarded jellyfish will be able to figure that one out. Americans tend to stick out no matter where they go. I suppose I may be able to "blend in" if I go to England - that is until I say something. I may need you to email me some audio files of phrases and words if I ever book that flight. Think I might be able to score an Arisaka there?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Them Japanese are crazy little guys. It would take a lot for me to get nekid in some wooden shack on a ski slope and sit in a leather chair that lots of other little nekid guys have sweated in before me. Just for that they deserve to be dumped ass over teakettle in the snow.

I've been to the Philippines lots of times and don't speak any of their language. I survive. Been to Japan a couple times via Narita and I must say, the women are always willing to help out a tall white guy.

Blogger Daisy said...

Hahahahahah! The last one was the best. That guy actually drank his tea while he was going down the slope! I hope they clean those chairs off between uses...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, they certainly do have a good sense of humor, I bet they don't have to worry about lawsuits as much as we do here in the states. Have fun in Japan

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

Beanie - no doubt! In the USA there would be a trail of lawyers behind that show. Phony doctors too - to testify about how "injured" people were.


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