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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Word On The Street

So a bunch of stuff here is updated. Like the Iguana Music. It is really hot here. I had to assist in a moving mission and almost died. I think I had mild heat exhaustion. I was sweating like crazy and not feeling so well. Anyway "Heat Of The Moment" has the word heat in it. The next few Iguana Music features will be heat or hot themed. Pretty nifty huh? I thought so.

I also updated the Netflix list. And what a list it is. Return Of The Killer Tomatoes? Yup. Not all B films are bad. Just the ones that try to be "serious". Return Of The Killer Tomatoes does not try to do this. According to the reviews anyway. And some A list actors are in it. Like George Looney. Is that his name? OH WAIT! Clooney! Lolita is also there. A Stanley Kubrick movie based on a novel by Vladimir Nabokov. Anyhow the movie was severely restricted by the ratings board and the Catholic Legion Of Decency. Ironic in a way. The Catholic Legion Of Decency should have been paying more attention to reality and what was going on in some parishes and less attention to fiction. But whatever. And then there is Reno 911: Miami. It will probably be cheesy. But who knows.

Doozie asked on her blog how I manage to get the word on the street. Like the word on the street that the gold spray paint is the best to huff. I got this word from some crazy guy running down Bird Road totally naked holding a can of paint, a brown paper bag, and with gold paint all over his face. I think the cops tazered him a short time later.

You see, I am a lot like a colossal squid in the abyss of the deep sea. Only one of these creatures has been seen alive. Unlike the slightly smaller giant squid, none that I am aware of have even been found dead but intact. All that people had to go on for decades were the odd body part here and there, along with other evidence such as scars on whales and stuff.

like these creatures, I lurk in the inky blackness with my tentacles stretched out - gathering information about the world around me while at the same time remaining hidden from view. Word on the street is I am pretty good at what I do.

Oh yea, I might also just make stuff up. I like doing that.

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Blogger Daisy said...

Moving in the heat is Not Good. When we moved to our current house, all the furniture was COVERED in a film of sweat that the movers left behind. Yeck! But my Mommie did give the movers some pizza and water and cookies. And a good tip.

Blogger Herr Krokodil said...

The Lazy,

I think it's very disrespectful to make stuff up. What if a reader didn't know you were making stuff up? Fo shame fo shame.

Blogger Jenn said...


Making stuff up is fun. I'm laughing at Herr, he must have a really good sense of humor.

Blogger TLP said...

Even if you make stuff up, it could still be true, right? I was huffin' gold spray paint just yesterday, based on your recommendation, and it is truly superior to pink spray paint, IMHO.

So keep on makin' shit up. You're doing a fine job.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

Daisy - it should be illegal to move in June in Florida.

Krok - I will stop making stuff up then.

Emma - I think Krok is growing the good stuff up there in North Carolina. Did I make that up or is it true?

TLP - The part about the gold paint is actually NOT made up. I heard it somewhere. I forgot where. It was a TV program about drug use and they mentioned that gold spray paint is the most stolen color. Also there are chemicals in there for the color. Anyhow there has to be a reason it is stolen so much.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not only do you get a buzz you also get a ghetto grill. Smile now.

Blogger Cie Cheesemeister said...

I like the giant squid analogy. I blend in by looking sickeningly normal. Like your ordinary trailer trash instead of your crazy white trash bipolar medium author who takes in everything and analyzes it. That is how I become in the know--at least about meth heads and other forms of sub-human life.

Blogger The Lazy Iguana said...

Pimp - I never considered the gold grill side effects of huffing gold paint. I guess you need to huff through your mouth?

CM - Looking normal helps. But I prefer to be the giant squid, lurking about in the deep sea.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too like to lurk. Only I just usually stand around instead of lurking and keep my ears wide open. Ive heard some amazing stuff. Some times people think I'm doing something else, but NO, I'm listening to them too!


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