Baynanza 2008 Registration
Well I done it. I signed up for Baynanza again.
It will be fun. I suppose. I get to transport
Then maroon them on the island. Cause THAT is how I roll. The ride out is free. But the ride home you have to pay for. Or swim. whichever you think you would rather do. No checks - I only deal in ca$h.

See last year I dropped the slaves off by beaching the boat. But the bottom was very rocky and stuff. I did not want to leave the boat there. So after everyone was off loaded, I moved to deeper water and threw the anchor. Then supervised the trash collection from a distance. Then picked everyone up when the trash collection was over.
Depending on where I am sent this year, I may do the same. If there is a god excuse to not actually do anything, Ill take it.
Of course, there is the usual rant. This is a COUNTY sponsored event. And I am volunteering the boat to transport people to some deserted island in the middle of the bay so they can pick up the trash there.
OK - so far so good. Sounds about right to me.
Now does DERM (a County department) talk to Parks and Recreation (another County department) so that DERM even boat operators can launch at a COUNTY OWNED boat ramp for free? Oh hell no. For this would require someone in BOTH DERM and Parks and Recreation to know their ass from a hole in the ground. And this is asking for far too much.
I asked about this last year. And someone from DERM said "oh that would be difficult to do". Oh really. You mean mailing me a piece of paper with an official logo / stamp on it that I could leave on the dashboard of the truck that would tell the parks employees that I was part of Baynanza and therefore able to use the ramp just that one day for no charge? That is hard? Really?
And would it be so hard to also email the Parks and Recreation director about this, so that they could then tell the marina managers, so that everyone is on the same page?
Yes. Apparently this is VERY hard. Way too much work is involved there. You mean I expect someone in DERM to not only write an email (and possibly more than one email) AND create a piece of paper that says "DERM Baynanza 2008 boat captain" AND mail one out to each person who volunteers a boat?
How about this. Hire me and Ill do it. No really, I will take this massive task upon myself. I think I can coordinate it all - if that is all I have to do all year. I know - it will require a full 40 hours a week. Possibly even massive amounts of overtime. But I think I can get it done.
I even have a way to prevent people from scamming the system. NUMBER the parking passes! Yes, number the passes. Maybe get a stamp that automatically moves up one number every time you stamp something with it. When boat captains are registering, ask them what ramp they plan to use.
Now this is where my anti-scam plan gets VERY complicated - so I can understand why no $150,000+ per year department directors could EVER possibly be expected to understand this - let alone a lowly manager or other employee. You may have to pay attention here.
Tally up how many boats plan to launch from each ramp. Then start stamping parking passes. Now mail out the parking passes. Lets say 5 people are going to ramp A and 6 to ramp B. You would stamp 11 passes (6 + 5) and then tell the manager at park A that parking passes numbered 1 - 5 are valid for that park and tell the manager for park B that passes 6 - 11 are valid for that park. And so on.
Now if you know that passes 1 - 5 are valid for your park and you see pass number 18 there, you either have a retard or a possible scam going down.
Really hard there huh?
Also - I want MY volunteer long sleeve t-shirt to say "Coxswain". Not Captain. Everyone thinks they are a captain - when in fact they are just drunk.
Labels: Baynanza